Tuesday, November 29, 2016



Modify a Paper of NOVA JANUARISTIN (121220111)


LECTURE                : Dr. AKHMAD SUTIYONO, M.Pd.

Modified by:
NAME                        : ADE MILA ROCHANY
CLASS/NPM             : VA / 141220001


In learning English, students are expected to understand and know four language skills such as speaking , listening, writing ,and reading .There are three language components such as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. English is one of the international languages which are used by almost all off the people in the world. So English has been taught in every school from elementary school even kindergarten until senior high school.
that skimming skill and reading of narrative text is a component in teaching and learning process that have related to increase the students’ ability in teaching and learning. In another word, skimming will enable students to comprehend and get main information of text quickly. When students have knowledge and information they can easier to transfer their ideas to others. And it can be predicted if students have a good skimming skill their reading will be good as well.
Background of the problem    
English is one of international language in the world which is widely used in many countries either as a native language. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language that is taught officially to student from elementary school as a local content subject. In learning English, students are expected to understand and know four language skills such as speaking , listening, writing ,and reading .There are three language components such as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. English is one of the international languages which are used by almost all off the people in the world. So English has been taught in every school from elementary school even kindergarten until senior high school.. They find difficulties to understand the meaning of the language because some people do not method in comprehending a text. In English, there are four language skill that should be mastered by the students. One of the skill is reading. Reading is one of language skills that plays important roles in many aspect of live. Reading is very important in teaching and learning process and in our daily live. Reading is an essential skill for learners of English as a foreign language. To get idea from the paragraph, the students should recognize and comprehend major part that occurs in a paragraph, that is the topic sentences. In reading for main idea (topic sentence) will always come first and deserves the top priority. It happens because topic sentences is the essence of the paragraph that author wants, and that readers to know and it is the idea that the whole paragraph explain and supports.
In reading , there are many skill that can be used easy in comprehending a text. Skimming is helpful the reader to search meaning or decide main idea, by using skimming skill, students will be easy to comprehend a text especially narrative text.
Limitation of the Problem
based on the identification 0f the problem above, the writer would like to focus on “The correlation between student ‘ skimming skill and their reading ability of narrative text at the fourth semester of English Education Department of STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung 2015/2016.
Uses of the Research
The uses of this research are:
1.      To give information to the English teacher about the correlation between students skimming skill and their  reading ability of Narrative text.
2.      To give motivation for the students in learning English especially about skimming skill and their reading ability of Narrative text.
3.      To give information for the further research with similar interest

concept of Language
Language is the most important thing for communication. We can communicate with other s in form of language. Consequently, human communication can not be  separated since it is very important to communicate in society. According to Cameron (2001:11) that’’ people using language for every day life purpose all around them’’. It means by using language every single human can used language as a tool to communicate with each other.  As we know each country has own culture that follow influence to the language. Moreover, each member also society of culture and country different in used of language. This variation of language may bring difficulties understanding in communication or social interaction. People can get advantage from information which all of that resource of language. Nowadays many advantages use language well people can get job, information, money and everything because many  job vacancies require about English ability, which make all the people want to know and master about English. Brown (1994:5)states that “A Consolidation of a number of possible definitions of language yields the following composite definition:
1.      language is systematic
2.      language is a set of arbitrary symbols
3.      those symbols are primarily vocal, but may also be visual
4.      the symbol have conventionalized meanings to which they refer
5.      language is used for communication
6.      language operates in a speech community or culture
7.      language is essentially human, although possibly not limited to humans
8.      language is acquired by all people in much the same way :language and language learning both have universal characteristics’.
Concept of Reading
Reading English text is important for us, because by teaching English text, the students can get knowledge and information that might be useful for them, but it is not easy to be good teacher, more other if the English text is complicated. The students need more understanding about the main ideas of reading text.
(Brown,2004:187) in reading comprehension there are micro and macro skills, as follows:
Micro skills:
1.      Discriminate among the distinctive graphemes and orthographic patterns of English.
2.      Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short-term memory.
3.      Process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.
4.      Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and their significance.

Macro skills:
1.      Recognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their significance for interpretation for interpretation.
2.      Recognize the communicative functions of written texts, according to form and purpose.
3.      Infer context that is not explicit by using background knowledge.
Grabe and Stoller (2002:9)stated that’’ Reading is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately’’. Its means that however without quibbling over the exact wording of such definition, it is nonetheless, insufficient as a way to understand the true nature of reading abilities. 
Harmer (2007:99) stated that ‘’Reading is useful for language acquisition. Provided that students more or less understand what they read, the more they read, the better they get at it. Reading also has positive effect on students’ vocabulary knowledge, on their spelling and on their writing’’. It is supported by Brown (2001:298) states “Reading will be developed best in association with writing, listening, and speaking activities’’.
understanding, train ability of thinking and improve the concentration. Based on statements above, we can conclude that from reading we can get information and knowledge, because in daily life information able to get from reading books, magazines, newspaper, journal, and etc. so it will become more important in our part and in our activity.
Concept of Skimming
Skimming consist of quickly running one’s eyes across a whole text(such as an essay, article or chapter)for it gist. It is supported by Hood(1996:80)’’Skimming involves looking quickly over a text to get a general idea of what it is about’’. Hood(1996:80)The indicators of skimming activities is:
1.      To help student too decide quickly whether they want to or need to read the text.
2.      To show students that understanding a few words is sometimes sufficient to get an idea of what the message contains.
Brown(2004:213) states that ‘’skimming is the process of rapid coverage of reading matter to determine its gist or main idea. It is a prediction strategy used to give a reader a sense of the topic and purpose a of a text, the organization of the text, the perspective or point of view of the writer, its ease or difficulty and or its usefulness to reader’’. From statements above skimming is helpful the readers to search meaning or decide mine idea also the purpose from the text but not read every paragraph only for find out topic who develop by author into paragraph.
Concept of Narrative text
If belongs to Anderson and Anderson (1997:8), state that “Narrative is a piece of the text which tell a story and, in doing so, to amuse, entertains, and informs the reader or listener”. The purpose of a Narrative, other than providing entertainment, can be to make the audience think about an issue, teach a lesson, or excite their emotions. It means that the function of narrative text is to entertain the audience with story.
But the problem is the students sometimes find difficulties to read a text of English. It is caused when students tend to read the whole text carefully word by word. It is wasting time and it will be more difficult when the teacher give them the questions from the text.
This research correlation research aims to systematically investigate and explain the nature of the relationship between variables in the real world. In this research , the writer was used descriptive quantitative method to analyze the data. In this case, the writer was describe or presented the data in material from and analyzed through the use statistic. Descriptive quantitative research is also used to describe and to test relationship. Between skimming skill and reading ability of narrative text.
1.      To know the correlation between students’ skimming skill (X) and their reading ability of narrative text (Y). the writer was used the product moment formula, as follow:\
2.      Trying out the instrument test items to the students out of the sample research.
3.      Dividing the test into odd and even items.
4.      Analyzing the test result by using Product Moment Formula.
5.       Using spearman-Brown formula, as follows:
(Arikunto, 2010: 226)
rxy            the coefficient correlation between x and y
∑xy     = crossing between x and y
∑x        = value of odd item test
∑y       = value of even item test
∑y2     = the sum square of variable y
XY       = the total of x and y
X2        = the sum of odd test items
Y2        = the sum of even test items
X         = the score of the odd test items
Y         = the score of the even test item

6.      The writer consult the result with criterion as follow:
Reliability coefficient 0.800- 1.00 is very high
Reliability coefficient 0.600-0.800 is high
Reliability coefficient 0.400-0.600 is middle
With the criteria as follow:
If r =0 there is no correlation between variable X and variable Y
If r= ≠ there is correlation between variable X and variable Y
7.      To know the kind of correlation between students’  skimming skill (x)and their reading ability of narrative text (Y) by using criteria as follow:
If >0 it means positive correlation
If<0 correlation="" it="" means="" negative="" o:p="">
8.      To know the significance of correlation between students’ skimming skill (X) and their reading ability of narrative text (Y), the writer was consult of r count with r table of product moment

Catherine (1992:5), states “reading is so much a part of daily live for those of us who live in literate communities that much of the time we hardly consider either the purposes or processes involved”.  Reading is one of the four language skills that should be had learned and mastered by students.
As we know that there many kinds of reading and one them is skimming and scanning skill. Skimming is one of the skills in reading to find the information of text. Through skimming skill the students will be able comprehend the text quickly, enjoy to read a text and easy to answer the question and it’s very useful skill in learning English especially in reading.
Nuttal (1996:44), that “if students are able to use skimming and scanning , they can shorten their time to choose material and also make their selection more reliable”. It means that by using skimming and scanning, it will help them to choose the right material, help them to get the information from their reading text quickly and correctly, and also show them that understand few word is good enough to know about the message contains.
Based on the statements above, it deduced that skimming skill and reading of narrative text is a component in teaching and learning process that have related to increase the students’ ability in teaching and learning. In another word, skimming will enable students to comprehend and get main information of text quickly. When students have knowledge and information they can easier to transfer their ideas to others. And it can be predicted if students have a good skimming skill their reading will be good as well.
From explanation above, the writer indicated that: 1) if the students are not good in skimming and scanning skill, they reading will be not good as well. 2) the average score of the students’ skimming skill (X) it show Xi = 61.2. 3) in this case the students’ reading ability needs to be increased because if students have good reading they can get score well. By having a good ability in reading students will ease to understand English texts and to get knowledge of what they read.
Based on the data analysis, it deduces that the average score in skimming and reading test was gained very high reliable. It found that rcount is higher than rtable. It shown that rcount=0.984 is very higher than rtable=0.361.
So, it hereby that there is significant correlation between students’ skimming skills with their reading ability.
Based on the result of the data analysis and also hypothesis, the writer concluded that: there is positive correlation between students’ skimming skill and their reading ability. It can be seen that the result of rcount=0.984. it can be continued o product moment table with n=30 by using 5% significance level is guided by score 0,361. It mean that rcount is very higher than rtable(0.984>0.361)
1.      For the lectures
The lectures should pay more attention to the students’ reading ability in using skimming skills and should give a lot of practices of skimming for the students. Then, the lectures should give more motivation and chance to the students to improve their reading comprehension and should encourage the students to read more the reading text.

2.      For the students
The students should do more exercises in reading by using skimming skills to improve their reading ability, they should read many kinds of English text or English books to improve their comprehension of the composition, and then should focus when answering the questions.


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