Friday, September 30, 2016

MAKALAH Gejala Kejiwaan Pada Manusia Normal

Gejala Kejiwaan Pada Manusia Normal


A.      Latar belakang
Manusia diciptakan oleh Allah SWT melalui fase-fase pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, yang dalam prosesnya mengalami interaksi (saling mempengaruhi) antara kemampuan dasar (pembawaan) dengan kemampuan yang diperoleh (hasil belajar/pengaruh lingkungan).
Terdapat perbedaan pendapat dalam pengertian pertumbuhan perkembangan pertumbuhan diartikan ahli biologi sebagai suatu penambahan dalam ukuran bentuk, berat atau ukuran dimensi tubuh, perkembangan dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan perubahan-perubahan dalam bentuk atau bagian tubuh dan integrasi berbagai bagiannya ke dalam suatu kesatuan fungsional, bila pertumbuhan itu berlangsung.
Langfeld dan boring, menggunakan pengairan kematangan untuk pertumbuhan, sedang, perkembangan, diterapkan pada baik sebelum tingkah laku yang tidak dipelajari itu terjadi, maupun sebelum terjadinya proses belajar dari tingkah laku yang khusus.
Istilah “kematangan” mencakup didalamnya pengertian pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, maka seseorang telah dianggap “matang”, apabila fisik dan psikisnya masalah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, telah mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sampai pada tingkat-tingkat tertentu.
Sedangkan istilah “perkembangan” adalah berhubungan erat dengan pertumbuhan maupun kemampuan-kemampuan pembawaan dari tingkah laku yang pekat terhadap rangsangan-rangsangan sekitar.

Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas maka rumusan masalah dalam makalah ini adalah sebagai berikut :
1.      Apa pengertian persepsi ?
2.      Apa yang di maksud dengan belajar dan berfikir ?
3.      Apa yang dimaksud dengan mengingat ?
4.      Apa itu emosi ?
5.      Apa itu proses berfikir?
6.      Apa itu motivasi?

Berdasarkan rumusan masalah diatas maka yang menjadi tujuan penulisan sebagai berikut :
1.      Untuk mengetahui arti dan maksud dari persepsi
2.      Untuk mengetahui arti dan maksud belajar serta berfikir
3.      Untuk mengetahui arti dan maksud dari mengingat
4.      Untuk  mengetahui  arti dan maksud dari emosi
5.      Untuk mengetahui arti dan maksud dari proses berfikir
6.      Untuk mengetahui arti dan maksud dari motivasi

Adapun metode makalah diatas digunakan adalah dengan cara studi pustaka, yaitu mempelajari buku-buku yang dijadikan referensi dalam informasi dalam pengumpulan informasi dan data serta data makalah yang akan dibahas.


A.        Gejala-gejala Kejiwaan Pada Manusia Normal
1.      Persepsi 
Di dalam psikologi, proses sensasi dan persepsi berbeda sensasi ialah penerimaan stimulus melalui ialah indera, sedangkan persepsi adalah menafsirkan stimulus yang telah ada dalam otak. 
Sensasi tanpa persepsi/sensasi murni jarang terjadi sensasi murni mungkin terjadi dalam peristiwa dimana rangsang warna ditunjukkan untuk pertama kali kepada seseorang yang sejak lahirnya.buta dan tiba-tiba dapat melihat 
Pada bayi yang baru lahir, bayangan-bayangan yang sampai ke otak masih bercampur aduk, sehingga belum dapat membedakan benda-benda dengan jelas. Makin besar anak itu makin baiklah struktur susunan syarat otaknya sehingga mampu mengenali obyek satu persatu. 
Organisasi dalam peresepsi, mengikuti beberapa prinsip yaitu:
a.       Wujud dan latar, objek-objek yang kita amati, di sekitar kita selalu muncul sebagai wujud (figure) sedangkan dengan hal-hal lainnya sebagai latar(ground).
b.      Pola pengelompokan :hal-hal tertentu cenderung kita kelompokan dalam peresepsi kita. Bagaimana cara kita mengelompokan dapat menentukan bagaimana kita mengamati hal tersebut.
Ada beberapa pola pengamatan yang menetap:
a.       Ketetapan warna: sesuatu yang hitam tetap akan diamati sebagai hitam,baik dibawa sinar terang maupun ditempat yang agak gelap.
b.      Ketetapan bentuk, sebuah pintu. Misalnya, tetap akan kita amati sebagai benda yang berbentuk empat persegi panjang, sekalipun kadand-kadang dari sudut pandang tertentu, pintu tampak sebagai trapesium atau jajaran genjang.
c.       Ketetapan ukuran, pohon setinggi dua meter, kalau dilihat dari jauh tampak sangat kecil, tetapi kita tetap mempersepsikannya sebagai benda yang tinggi dan besar.
d.      Ketetapan letak, dalam kendaraan yang berjalan, kita melihat pohon-pohon dan tiang listrik tetap ditempatnya masing-masing tidak bergerak.
Perbedaan peresepsi dapat disebabkan oleh hal-hal dibawah ini:
a.       Perhatian; biasanya kita tidak menangkap rangsangan yang ada disekitar kita sekaligus, tetapi kita memfokuskan perhatian kita pada satu atau dua objek saja.
b.      Set; adalah harapan seseorang tentangan rangsangan yang akan timbul. Misalnya, seorang pelari yang siap di garis stars terdapat set bahwa akan terdengar bunyi pistol disaat ia mulai berlari.
c.       Kebutuhan; kebutuhan-kebutuhan sesaat maupun yang menetap pada diri seseorang, mempengaruhi persepsi orang tersebut. Dengan demikian, kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang berbeda menyebabkan pula perbedaan persepsi.
d.      Sistem nilai; sistem nilai yang berlaku dalam suatu masyarakat berpengaruh pula terhadap persepsi. Suatu eksperimen di Amerika serikat (Bruner dan Godman, 1947, carter dan schooler, 1949) menunjukan bahwa anak-anak yang berasal dari keluarga miskin mempersepsikan mata uang logam lebih besar dari pada ukuran yang sebenarnya. Gejala ini tidak terdapat pada anak-anak yang berasal dari keluarga kaya.
e.      Ciri kepribadian; ciri kepribadian akan mempengaruhi peresepsi. Misalnya, A dan B bekerja disuatu kantor yang sama dibawah pengawasan satu orang atasan. A yang pemalu dan penakut, memperesepsikan atasannya sebagai tokoh yang menakutkan dan perlu dijauhi, sedangkan B yang mempunyai lebih percaya diri, menganggap atasannya sebagai tokoh yang dapat diajak bergaul seperti orang biasa lainnya.
f.        Gangguan kejiwaan; gangguan kejiwaan dapat menimbulkan kesalahan persepsi yang disebut halusinasi.

2.      Belajar dan Berfikir 
           Belajar adalah suatu proses dimana suatu tingkah laku ditimbulkan atau diperbaiki melalui serentetan reaksi atas situasi/rangsang yang terjadi. .    
          Menurut Slameto (1995 : 2) bahwa belajar adalah suatu proses usaha yang dilakukan seseorang untuk memperoleh suatu perubahan tingkah laku yang baru secara keseluruhan, sebagai hasil pengalamannya sendiri dalam interaksi dengan lingkungannya.
Seseorang anak dibelikan sepeda oleh ayahnya. Ia akan mencoba sepeda tersebut dan mengadakan reaksi-reaksi atas rangsang-rangsang yang ditimbulkan sepeda. Lama kelamaan reaksi-reaksinya semakin teratur hingga suatu saat Ia dapat menguasai sepeda itu, dan bisa menjalankannya dengan  baik   
Ada beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi proses belajar:
a.       Waktu istirahat: khususnya dalam mempelajari sesuatu yang meliputi bahan yang banyak, perlu disediakan waktu-waktu tertentu untuk beristirahat.
b.      Pengetahuan tentang materi yang dipelajari secara menyeluruh :dalam mempelajari sesuatu lebih baik kalau pertama-tama kita mempelajari materi atau bahan yang ada secara keseluruhan.
c.       Pengertian terhadap materi yang dipelajari:kalau hendak mempelajari sesuatu maka kita harus mengerti materi yang kita pelajari itu.
d.      Pengetahuan akan prestasi sendiri: kalau kita tiap kali mengetahui hasil prestasi kita sendiri, yaitu mengetahui perbuatan-perbuatan yang masih salah, maka akan lebih mudah kita memperbaiki kesalahan-kesalahan itu dari pada kita harus meraba-raba terus.
e.      Tranfer: pengetahuan kita tentang hal-hal yang pernah kita pelajari sebelumnya, kadang-kadang mempengaruhi juga proses belajar yang sedang kita lakukan sekarang.
Perkataan belajar mempunyai tiga arti:
·         Menemukan
·         Mengingat
·         Menjadi efesien
·         Apakah anda sudah belajar bagaimana caranya memecahakan teka-teki ini? Belajar disini berarti menemukan
·         Apakah anda pernah belajar kata-kata starspangled banner? Belajar disini berarti mengingat
·         Apakah anda telah belajar bagaimana caranya mengendarai mobil? Belajar disini berarti menjadi efisien.
Hakikat Berpikir
Menurut analisis berpikir, proses berpikir itu terdiri dari keaslian,kritik, dan penerimaan atau penolakan hipotesis. Dalam pemecahan problem yang bersifat non simbolis (misalnya memecahkan teka-teki), sasaran atau kritik terhadap hipotesis dilaksanakan bersama-sama, dalam perbuatan trial and eror yang bersifat terbuka.Kesimpulannya, seseorang berpikir bukan saja dengan otaknya tetapi juga dengan seluruh tubuhnya.Meskipun sistem syaraf itu mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam berpikir karena mengintegrasikan semua bagian tubuh, alat indera, otot dan kelanjar juga memegang peranan yang tidak kalah penting.

Macam-macam kegiatan berpikir dapat kita golongkan seebagai berikut:
1.       Berpikir asosiatif: yaitu proses berpikir dimana suatu ide merangsang timbulnya ide lain. Jalan pikiran dalam proses berpikir asosiatif tidak ditentukan atau diarahkan sebelumnya. Jadi ide-ide timbul secara bebas jenis-jenis berpikir asosiatif:
a.       Asosiasi bebas: suatu ide akan menimbulkan ide mengenai hal lain, tanpa ada batasannya.
b.      Asosiasi terkontrol: suatu ide tertentu akan menimbulkan ide mengenal hal lain dalam batas-batas tertentu.
c.       Melamun: yaitu menghayal bebas, sebebas-bebasnya tanpa batas, juga mengenai hal-hal yang tidak realitas.
d.      Mimpi: ide-ide tentang hal, yang timbul secara tidak disadari pada waktu tidur, mimpi kadang-kadang terlupakan pada waktu bangun, tetapi terkadang masih dapat diingat.
e.      Berpikir artistik: yaitu proses berpikir yang sangat subjektif. Jalan pikiran sangat dipengaruhi oleh pendapat dan pandangan diri pribadi tanpa menghiraukan keadaan sekitar,
2.       Berpikir terarah: yaitu proses berpikir yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya dan diarahkan pasyaitu proses berpikir yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya dan diarahkan pada sesuatu, biasanya diarahkan pada pemecahannya persoalan.
Dua macam berpikir terarah yaitu:
a.       Berpikir kritis: yaitu membuat keputusan atau pemeliharaan terhadap suatu keadaan,
b.      Berpikir kreatif: yaitu berpikir untuk menentukan hubungan-hubungan baru antara berbagai hal.
Ada dua macam strategi umum dalam memecahkan persoalan:
a.       Strategi menyeluruh: disini persoalan dipadang sebagai suatu keseluruhan dan dipecahkan untuk keseluruhan itu.
b.      Strategi detailistis: disini persoalan dibagi-bagi dalam bagian-bagian dan dipecahkan bagian demi bagian.
c.       Kesulitan dalam memecahkan persoalan dapat ditimbulkan oleh:
d.      Set: Pemecahan persoalan yang berhasil biasanya cenderung dipertahankan pada persoalan-persoalan yang berikutnya (timbul:set).
e.      Sempitanya pandangan: sering dalam memecahkan persoalan, seseorang hanya melihat satu kemungkinan jalan keluar.
3.      Mengingat 
Ingatan adalah bukti bahwa seseorang telah belajar, semua orang mengingat banyak hal setiap harinya, tingkah laku manusia dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman masa lalu yang di ingatnya karena itu, mengingat dapat didefinisikan sebagai pengetahuan sekarang tentang pengalaman masa lampau. 
Mengingat dapat terjadi dalam beberapa bentuk :
a.       Rekognisi adalah mengingat sesuatu apabila sesuatu itu dikembangkan pada indera. 
b.      Redall adalah apabila kita sadar bahwa kita telah mengalami sesuatu dimasa lampau tanpa mengenakan pada indera kita 
c.       Reproduksi adalah mengingat dengan cukup tepat untuk memproduksi bahan yang pernah dipelajari. 
d.      Performance adalah mengingat kebiasaan,-kebiasaan yang sangat otomatis.
Ada beberapa cara untuk mengingat kembali hal-hal yang sudah pernah diketahui sebelumnya:
a.       Rekoleksi yaitu menimbulkan kembali ingatan suatu peristiwa lengkap dengan segala detail dan hal-hal yang terjadi disekitar tempat peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lalu.
b.      Pembauran ingatan, hampir sama dengan rekoleksi, tetapi ingatanya hanya timbul kalau ada hal yang merangsang ingatan itu.
c.       Memanggil kembali ingatan itu, yaitu mengingat kembali suatu hal, sama sekali terlepas dari hal-hal lain dimasa lalu.
d.      Rekognisi, yaitu mengingat kembali suatu hal setelah menjumpai sebagian dari hal tersebut.
e.      Mempelajari kembali, terjadi kalau kita mempelajari hal yang yang sema untuk kedua kalinya, banyak hal-hal yang akan diingat kembali.
Dewasa ini ada empat cara untuk menerangkan proses lupa, keempatnya tidak saling bertentangan, melainkan saling mengisi:
a.       Apa yang telah kita ingat, disimpan dalam bagian tertentu di otak kalau bagian materi yang harus diingat itu tidak pernah digunakan, maka karena proses metabolisme otak, lambat laun jejak materi itu terhapus dari otak sehingga kita tidak dapat mengingatnya kembali. Jadi karena tidak digunakan materi itu lenyap sendiri.
b.      Mungkin pula materi itu tidak lenyap begitu saja, melainkan mengalami perubahan-perubahan secara sistematis. Mengikuti prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut:
1)      Penghalusan: materi berubah bentuk ke arah bentuk yang lebih simatris, lebih halus dan kurang tajam, sehingga bentuk yang asli tidak diingat lagi.
2)      Penegasan: bagian-bagian yang paling mencolok dari suatu hal adalah yang paling mengesankan.
3)      Asimilasi: bentuk yang ,mirip botol, misalnya akan kita ingat sebagai botol, sekalipun bentuk itu bukan botol.
c.       Kalau mempelajari hal yang baru, kemungkinan hal-hal yang sudah kita ingat, tidak dapat kita ingat lagi.misalnya seorang anak menghapal nama kota-kota di jawa barat. Mungkin pula materi yang baru tidak dapat masuk lagi ke otak karena terhambat oleh materi lain yang terlebih dahulu dipelajari.
d.      Adakalanya kita melupakan sesuatu. Hal ini disebut represi. Peristiwa-peristiwa yang mengerikan, menakutkan penuh dosa, menjijikan dan sebagainya, atau semua hal yang tidak dapat diterima oleh hati nurani akan kita lupakan dengan sengaja (sekalipun proses lupa yang disengaja ini kadang-kadang tidak kita sadari, terjadi diluar alam kesadaran kita.

3.       Emosi
Pada umumnya perbuatan kita sehari-hari disertai oleh perasaan-perasaan tertentu, yaitu perasaan senang atau tidak senang.
a.       Teori-teori emosi
Ada dua macam pendapat tentang terjadinya emosi.Pendapat yang nativistik mengatakan bahwa emosi pada dasarnya merupakan bawaan sejak lahir. Sedangkan pendapat yangempiristik mengatakan bahwa emosi dibentuk oleh pengalaman dan proses belajar.
Tokoh empiris lain yang menfemukakan teori emosi adalah wilhem wundt (1832-1920). Tetapi berbeda dari W. james yang menyelidiki mengapa tibul emosi. W Wundt menguraikan jenis-jenis emosi.
·          Lust-unlust (senang-tak senang)
·           Spannung-losung (tegang-tak tegang)
·         Erregung-berubigung (semangat-tenang)

b.      Perubahan-perubahan pada tubuh pada saat terjadi emosi
Terutama pada emosi yang yang kuat, sering kali juga terjadi perubahan-perubahan pada tubuh kita, antara lain:
·           Reaksi elektris pada kulit: meningkat bila terpesona
·           Peredaran darah: bertambah cepat bila marah
·           Denyut jantung: bertambah cepat bila terkejut
·           Pernafasan: bernafas panjang apabila kecewa
·           Pupil mata:membesar apabila sakit atau marah
·           Liur: mengering kalau takut dan tegang
·           Bulu roma: berdiri klau takut
·           Pencernaan: mencret-mencret kalau tegang
·           Otot: ketegangan dan ketakutan menyebabkan otot menegang atau bergetar( tremor)
·           Komposisi darah: komposisi darah akan ikut berubah dalam emosional karena kelenjar-kelenjar lebih aktif.
c.       Menggolongkan emosi
ü  Emosi yang sangat mendalam (misalnya sangat marah atau sanagat takut) menyebabkan aktivitas tubuh sanagat tinggi, sehingga seluruh tubuh aktif,
ü  Satu orang dapat menghayati satu macam emosi dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya: kalau marah ia gementar ditempat, tetapi lain kali ia memaki-maki, atau mungkin lari.
ü  Nama yang umumnya diberikan kepada berbagai jenis emosinya didasarkan pada sifat rangsangannya, bukan bukan keadaan emosinya sendiri.
ü  Pengenalan emosi secara subjektif dan introspektif, sukar dilakukan karena selalu saja ada pengaruh dari lingkungan.

d.      Pertumbuhan emosi
Ada bebrapa ekspresi anatara lain:
·         Menjulurkan lidah kalau kebenaran
·         Bertepuk tangan kalau kuatir
·         Menggaruk kuping dan pipi kalau bahagia
Yang juga dipelajari dalam perkembangan emosi adalah objek-objek dan situasi-situasi yang menjadi sumber emosi. Seorang anak yang tidak pernah ditakut-takuti ditempat gelap, tidak akan takut kepada tempat gelap,
Emosi sebagai suatu peristiwa psikologi dapat di golongkan beberapa golongan yaitu emosi  pada manusia normal yaitu :
Takut adalah perasaan yang sangat mendorong individu untuk menjauhi sesuatu dan sedapat mungkin menghindari kontak dengan hal itu.Bentuk ekstrim dari takut adalah takut yang phatologis, yang disebut fobia.Fobia adalah perasaan takut terhadap hal-hal tertentu yang demikian kuatnya, meskipun tidak ada alasan yang nyata.
Khawatir atau was-was adalah rasa takut yang tidak mempunnyai objek yang jelas atau tidak ada objeknya sama sekali. Kekuatiran menyebabkan rasa tidak senang, gelisa, tegang, tidak tenang, tidak aman.
Kecemburuan adalah bentuk khusus dari kekuatiran yang didasari oleh kurang adanya keyakinan terhadap diri sendiri dan ketakutan akan kehilangan kasih sayang dari seseorang.
Gembira adalah ekspresi dari kelegaan, yaitu perasaan terbebas dari ketegangan.Biasanya kegembiraan itu disebabkan oleh hal-hal yang bersifat tiba-tiba.
MarahSumber utama dari kemarahan adalah hal-hal yang mengganggu aktivitas untuk mencapai tujuannya.
Frustasi adalah suatu keadaan dalam diri individu yang disebabkan tidak tercapainya kepuasan atau tujuan karena adanya halangan atau rintangan untuk mencapai kepuasan atau tujuan tersebut.
1.       Jenis frustrasi :
1.       Frustasi lingkungan, halangan berasal dari lingungan
2.       Frustrasi pribadi, terjadi karena perbedaan antara tingkatan aspirasi dengan tingkatan kemampuannya
3.       Frustasi konflik, disebabkan oleh konflik dari berbagai motif dalam diri seseorang. Tiga macam konflik :
1.       Konflik mendekat – mendekat : dua atau lebih tujuan bernilai positif dan individu harus memilih
2.       Konflik mendekat – menjauh : objek mempunyai nilai positif dan negative
3.       Konflik menjauh – menjauh : individu dihadapkan pada dua pilihan bernilai negatif dan harus dihindari

Reaksi individu terhadap frustrasi :
1.       Bertindak secara eksplosif : membuat atau melakukan perbuatan sehingga ketegangan diri berkurang
2.       Melakukan kompensasi : membuat pengganti untuk mencapai tujuan
3.       introversi : berimajinasi sudah mencapai tujuan, hal ini bisa berakibat jadi halusinasi (Autisme)
4.       Sublimasi tujuan : mencari alternatif tujuan yang hampir sama
5.       Reaksi Psikopatis : tidak menghiraukan rintangan
6.       Simbolisasi : berbuat seolah sudah mencapai tujuan

5.      MOTIF
Motif Berarti rangsangan, dorongan, atau pembangkit tenaga bagi terjadinya suatu tingkah laku. Motifasi merupakan seluruh proses gerakan, termasuk situasi yang mendorong dorongan yang timbul dalam diri individu, tingkah laku yang ditimbulkan oleh situasi tersebut, dan tujuan atau akhir dari gerakan atau perbuatan.
 Motif adalah instansi terakhir bagi terjadinya tingkah laku meskipun ada kebutuhan .
Ada beberapa pendapat mengenai motif.Salah satu mengatakan bahwa motif merupakan energi dasar yang terdapat dalam diri seseorang.
Menurut freud instink dibagi dua yaitu:
a.       Instink kehidupan atau instink seksual atau libido, yaitu dorongan untuk mempertahankan hidup dan memperkembangkan keturunan.
b.      Instink yang mendorong perbuatan-perbuatan agresif atau yang menjurus pada kematian.
c.       Sarjana-sarjana lain yang juga mengakui motif sebagai energi dasar antara lain adalah:
d.      Bergson dengan teori elan vital mengakui adanya faktor yang bersifat nonmaterial yang mengatur tingkah laku.
e.      Mc.Dougall dengan teori hormic, mengatakan bahwah tingkah laku ditentukan oleh hasrat, kecenderungan bekerjanya analog dengan kenyataan-kenyataan dalam dunia ilmu alam dan ilmu kimia.

Jenis Motif
Menurut W.I Thomas tahun 1923 motif terbagi :
1.       Motif rasa aman yaitu motif dasar dan primer yang meliputi kebutuhan akan rasa aman dan terhindar dari bahaya.
2.       motif respons: motif ini berasal dari kebutuhan akan keselamatan, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi motif tersendiri.
3.       Motif pengalaman baru: termasuk dalam golongan ini adalah :
·         Variasi seksual, yaitu mendorong orang untuk mencari variasi dalam kegiatan seksual.
·         Keingin tahuan, yaitu mendorong orang untuk mengetahui atau menyelidiki hal-hal yang masih baru atau asing baginya.
·         Pernyataan diri, yaitu kebutuhan untuk mendapat pengalaman-pengalaman baru melalui tingkah laku yang tidak biasa.
·         Motif untuk menyimpang dari kehidupan rutin.
·         Dominasi, yaitu motif untuk menang dari orang lain atau menguasai orang lain.
4.       Motif penalaran diri: motif ini didasari oleh kebutuhan untuk dipandang oleh masyarakat sebagai seseorang yang memppunyai kepribadian tersendiri, mempunyai pandangan sendiri, mempunyai nilai-nilai sendiri.
Termasuk dalam golongan motif ini adalah:
a.       Harga diri, yaitu penghargaan atau penilaian sesorang terhadap diri sendiri.
b.      Status, yaitu kebutuhan akan kedudukan atau posisi tertentu dalam masyarakat, sesuai dengan peranan atau tugas seseorang dalam masyarakat.
c.       Prestise, yaitu kebutuhan untuk dipandang dan dihargai oleh masyarakat sesuai dengan statusnya.

A.    Kesimpulan
Dari penjelasan diatas dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa  persepsi adalah menafsirkan stimulus yang telah ada dalam otak  dengan  suatu proses dimana suatu tingkah laku ditimbulkan atau diperbaiki melalui serentetan reaksi atas situasi/rangsang yang terjadi oleh tingkah laku yang menggunaka ide dengan bukti bahwa seseorang telah belajar mengingat banyak hal setiap harinya, tingkah laku manusia dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman masa lalu yang  efektif yang menyertai setiap keadaan atau perilaku individu baik dalam keadaan  emosinya marah atau pada saat individu itu senang dengan  faktor-faktor yang ada dalam diri seseorang yang menggerakkan dan mengarahkan perilakunya untuk memenuhi tujuan-tujuan tertentu melalui proses informasi secara mental atau secara kognitif dengan sesuatu yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap makhluk hidup dan apabila kebutuhan itu tidak tercukupi maka makhluk hidup tersebut akan kesulitan untuk bersosialisasi dengan makhluk hidup y lain yang mempunyai prinsip  teguh  dan tidak mudah goyah oleh apapun.

B.     Saran
Sebagai manusia biasa penulis merasa banyak memiliki kesalahan dalam penyusunan makalah ini. Untuk melengkapi kekurangan dalam makalah ini penulis menyarankan kepada pembaca untuk membaca beberapa buku-buku tentang Psikologi Remaja .





1.1  Background of Problem
Language is important for human survival as a system of communication using sounds and symbols. We use language as communication tool and we need it for our living. Language is very important to help us to express our feelings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Through language we can interact with people around. Not only use spoken form, but sometimes we also communicate in writing form. For example when we use hand phone we do spoken language when make a call and use writing language when we send a text massage. It is clear that language is an instrument of communication that should be learn both in spoken and written form.

Learning language is not new thing to be discussed. We learn language when we were still children either intentional or not, such as mother tongue, second language and foreign language. We use those languages in our daily life because we always communicate and interact with people. In social life, we must communicate well over good language but, to use language well is not easy. We must make our communication partner understand the ideas, thoughts and feelings that we will convey. That is the reason why we really need to learn the language.

Naturally the purpose of language learning is to use the language for communication whatever languages are learned include English. Since being international language, English becomes an important requirement for many countries in the world. Moreover on this globalization era, English is used intensively. It is used in various fields such as communication, business, technology and grade. Indonesia is one of the countries that active in international organization. It means that Indonesia also uses English as communication tool in business and technology fields.  Realize this government of Indonesia makes policy that it needs to be taught in every level of education, from junior high school up to university.

English learning itself involves the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Those skills are related each other and those are equally important to learn. But for this occasion of research, the writer focuses only in writing.

Writing is one of important skills to be taught in learning English. It is a skill where the students are expected to be able to put their ideas and thoughts into a sentence, paragraph or text. By writing we can communicate and share information to the others. But in fact, writing itself is not easy for the students. Low passion and difficult to compose a good text are some reasons why the students become lazy to write. It is supported by Bryne (1979:4) that writing is a difficult activity for most people, both in mother tongue and in a foreign language.

For most students, writing is a difficult activity in learning English. They still find the obstacles to make a paragraph. It is proven by the result of preliminary research at SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu. The writer found that students’ writing ability need to improve. It is showed by paragraph they made. Most of them just made paragraph with less than five sentences. It shows that many students could not express their ideas well in written form although they might know what would be written. See the problems, the writer assumes that the students have a deal with vocabulary, grammar and moreover to develop idea or topic.

Understand the problem, English teachers are demmanded to be creative, innovative and attractive in teaching English. For example by using variation technique, method and media in teaching and learning English so that the students will interest and enjoy the learning activity in the class. Besides, techniques and methods can help students to be easier in writing process.

There are several steps in writing process; planning, drafting, revising and editing. In planning step, the writer will make the concept of idea and topic. It is a step where the students sometimes have a deal to select vocabularies to start a writing processs. There are some techniques that can be done to help the students for planning step, especially about the vocabulary that the students will write. One of the techniques is semantic mapping. Semantic mapping is a technique of making a graphic arrangement of words. It is expected can help students to draft a text by make a graphic of word first, before they take the next step in making a draft of sentences to built a good text.

Considering the background above, the writer can conclude that semantic mapping can help the students to develop the idea and topic in writing process, especially in writing hortatory text, the material to be taught on second semester at SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu. Therefore, the writer conducted a research entitled: The Influence Of Semantic Mapping towards Students’ Writing Hortatory Exposition Of The Eleventh Class.

1.2  The Identification of the Problem
Based on the background above, the writer prepared some problems, as follows:
1.    The students’ writing ability need to be improved.
2.    The students are difficult to express their ideas in writing.
3.    The teacher has never used making semantic mapping in writing hortatory exposition.

1.3  The Limitation of the Problems
Based on the identification above, the writer focused on: the influence of semantic mapping toward students’ writing hortatory exposition of the Eleventh Class .

1.4 The Formulation of the Problems
Based on the identification and limitation of the problem above, the writer would like formulate the problem as follow:
1.    Is there any influence of semantic mapping towards students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition?
2.    Is the average score of students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition through semantic mapping higher than teaching by explanation?

1.5 The Objective of Uses of Research
1.5.1   The Objective of Research
According to the problem formulation above, the writer would find out the following facts:
1.    To know and describe the influence of semantic mapping towards students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition.
2.     To know and describe whether the average score of students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition through semantic mapping is higher than teaching by explanation.

1.5.2 The Uses of Research
The research is expected to bring the following benefit:
1.  To give information to English teacher about the influence semantic mapping to students’ writing hortatory text
2.  To give information for further research with certain interest.

1.6 The Scope of Research
The scopes of this research are as follow:
1.6.1 The Subject of The Research
The subjects of this research are the students of the eleventh grade 

1.6.2 The Object of The Research
The object of the research is the students’ writing ability of hortatory exposition.

1.6.3 The Place of The Research
The research was conducted in SMA 

1.6.4 The Time of The Research
The research was conducted at the first semester of the eleventh grade in SMA 


2.1  The Frame of Theory 
2.1.1 The Concept of Language
Language is useful for humans. According to Wardhaugh on Brown (1994: 4), language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol used for human communication. In addition, Setiyadi (2006: 10) state that language is the everyday spoken utterance of the average person at normal speed. It means that language is a communication tool to deliver many things in our mind, such as ideas and thoughts to other people. More than that, by using language humans can interact with others.

Language has an important role in human life. Richard and Rodgers (2001: 21) stated that language is viewed as a vehicle for expression of functional meaning. It means that language can help us to convey ideas, thoughts, feelings and experiences. In addition, Maximilian and Ajeng (2013: 53) say that language is a media to transfer the information between speaker to listener and writer to reader.
By combine those statements, we can say that language is an intermediary of meanings and massages to listener and reader in communicating process. It means that through language, we can give information by oral or written language. So it is clear that language is an important aspect and without language there will be no such thing as interaction in human life.

From all the statements above the writer can take the conclusion that language is the most important requirement for humans especially in community life. Because basically, humans are social beings whose can not live alone. It means that as long as we need others, we also need language.

2.1.2     The Concept of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
A foreign language is a language not spoken by the indigenous people of a certain place. It is supported by Murcia (2001: 359) that a foreign language is a language studied in an environment where it is not the primary vehicle for daily interaction and where input in that language is restricted. It means that learn a foreign language is difficult where that language is rare to use as communication tool in daily life. So when we learn a foreign language, we have to try a lot to apply that language, so that we do not feel awkward when have to use that language if necessary. In addition, Richard and Rodgers (2001: 57) state that foreign language learning is basically process of mechanical habit formation. It means that learn a foreign language is passionate adaptation to get new language with new concepts, new vocabularies and new grammars.
According to Harmer (2004: 1), “English seems to be one of the main languages of international language”. It is true. In fact, since English become an international language, it is used in many fields in international activities. At least English is used as a communication tool among people in the world.

In some countries where English is not a second language but a foreign language, it is being part of education. Include in Indonesia, English is a foreign language which being compulsory subject in junior and senior high schools and in the lower levels such as in elementary school, English is the local content subject. It means that English is important, due to the fact, nowadays English is used in many fields in daily life. That is why even English is used in educational field.

Teaching English as a foreign language is not easy where the students must learn the language which rare to use. Automatically in learning process, the students will find many difficulties to learn English. It means that as the teachers we have to be more creative in teaching process and it can be given through the strategies used by the teachers themselves. Brown (1994: 104) say that strategies are specific method of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, planned designs for controlling and manipulating certain information. It means that strategies can help the teachers to approach and analysis what students’ needs, then they can choose the method and materials in language learning. So, strategy is important to use in teaching a foreign language.
Basically the goal of foreign language learning is to use that language as a communication tool. It is supposed by Cameron (2002: 16) that some syllabuses also deal in Topics, Functions and Notions, describing language in terms of how it is used in communicating rather than seeing it as a linguistic system or set of skills.

Based on the theories above, the writer assumes that the students should be given a lot of practice in using English as a foreign language. Because practice continously can makes students to be familiar with English both in spoken or written language.

2.1.3     The Concept of Writing
Writing is one of communication tools that is used to transfer massage without face to face. Writing skill is more than just producing  words and sentences. To be able to produce a piece of writing, we should able to write connected series of words snd sentences which are grammatically and logically linked, so that the purpose we have in our mind will suit the intended reader.
Writing is an ability to combine and process the knowledge and components of language (vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, etc.) to be notion or topic that poured into written form. According Brown (1994: 321), “To make a good writing the writer has to master the components of language; they are spelling, vocabulary, punctuations mark”. In addition, Raimes (1987: 6) states that there are many elements that should be considered and noticed in producing content, grammar, syntax, mechanic, organization, word choice and so forth. Those statements mean that writing is a skill that has a role to do. It is supported by Harmer (2004: 44) that writing, like any other skill, has its ‘mechanical’ component of language, they are spelling, vocabulary and punctuations mark.

In applying, writing is about how we communicate by text. It means that as a writer, we must send the massages by the text to the reader, because not only by sounds, but we also often communicate by a text. It is support by Murcia (2001: 207), “Viewing writing as an act of communication suggests an interactive process which takes place between the writer and the reader via the text.” In addition, Lindemann (1983: 11) also state that writing is a process of communication, which uses conventional graphic system to convey a message to reader.

According to Heaton (1991: 135) “The writing skill is complex and sometimes difficult, requiring mastery not only of grammatical and the rhetorical devices, but also of conceptual and judgmental elements. It means that to master writing ability, the author is not enough just to master elements of language, but also must have knowledge, and sense of word order. In addition the author has to practice and practice to make a good writing.”

From the theories above, the writer can conclude that writing can be used to communicate. By the text, the writer can transfer their ideas, thoughts, massages and information to the reader. So, to master writing ability, we have to practice to write a lot.
2.1.4     The Concept of Teaching Writing
There are four skills in learning English that should be mastered to get success in learning a language, one of them is writing skill. Writing is activity to express the ideas and thoughts on the paper that used to communicate and give the informations to the others, but writing is not an easy skill for students, especially in English. It is caused by English is foreign language in Indonesia, where it is rarely used to communicate both in oral or written form. That statement is support by Bryne (1979: 4) that writing is a difficult activity for most people, both in mother tongue and in a foreign language.
According Harmer (2004: 31), “Writing is one of the four skills of listening, speaking and reading that have always formed part of syllabus in teaching of English”. It means that writing is important ability to learn besides three other skills in learning English.

Teaching writing means that we create a science education that helps students see that writing requires steps to find, plan and create a draft text. In teaching writing, teacher must have a strategy to make students writing easily that follow some process of writing itself. (Agustine on A1B208044.pdf)

In addition, Maximilian and Ajeng (2013: 58) also support that writing process has several steps including of planning, drafting, revising and editing. It means that there is a process to make paragraph or text, and in the process the teacher should be a motivator and facilitator to guide the student, because learning writing in a foreign language is not easy. The students sometimes have a deal with vocabulary, grammar, etc. It means that the teacher should have the strategies to help students solve problem in writing, so that they can are easier to develop their ideas well to be a good writing.

The purpose of teaching writing is to help and guide the students to be able express their ideas and thoughts on the paper, includes reinforcement, language development and learning styles. According Tricia (2005: 13) “To become a good writer, the students need to write a lot. It means that to master writing ability, the students have to practice a lot so that they can improve their lacks in writing.

From the statement above the writer assumes that writing is not simple thing to do. Writing is a process includes planning, drafting, revising and editing. Four steps that have to do and the writer should notice the component and element of language. It shows that writing has a role. So in teaching writing the teacher must have the strategy to help students to be a good writer, at least that strategy can make the students like to write.

2.1.5     The Concept of Semantic Mapping
Writing is not easy as imagined. The students whose write in a foreign language, must be have a problem with the vocabulary so they can not develop their ideas well. Know that, the teacher should have a strategy to make the students like to write, so that the students can express their ideas become paragraphs or texts easily.
There are so many strategies that can be used to help the students solve the problems in writing. One of the strategies is semantic mapping. According Mathialagan on Maximilian & Ajeng (2013:59), “Semantic mapping is a technique developed by Johnson & Pearson (1978). It means that semantic map is a graphic arrangement of words and it shows how new words and ideas are related to each other within a text. It is also an effective diagnostic tool”. On the same page, Maximilian & Ajeng also add that semantic mapping is a technique which describes a variety of words to shows how key word or concept is related to one another through graphic representations.

“Semantic mapping is a technique to represent graphical concept. It is an effective diagnostic tool. It is also a visual and structural strategy for vocabulary development and knowledge expansion displayed in categories of words in relation to other words. It is opposed to an unstructured strategy, which shows the hierarchical relationship of ideas on paper randomly”. (Mah on mapping_A_visual_and_structured_pre-writing_strategy_in_the_process_ of_essay_writing)

There is an example of semantic map and a statement as follows:
Masters, Mori, & Mori (1993) define semantic mapping technique as being used to motivate and involve students in the thinking, reading, and writing aspects. It enhances vocabulary development by helping students to link new information with previous experience’. (Nyoni on

2.1.6     The Concept of Hortatory Exposition
Astuti (2010: 180) state that hortatory exposition is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in a certain way. In the same page she also add structure  of hortatory exposition as below.
a.    Thesis
Introduces a topic, main idea or point of view to be presented (thesis statement).
b.    Arguments
Provides the evidence (arguments) to support the thesis statement. Each paragraph identifies a particular point. The elaboration may be further description, analysis, justification, giving examples, comparing, etc.

c.    Recommendation
Makes a recommendation for readers.
A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. In other words, the main function Hortatory Exposition texts is to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case. To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. This kind of text is called as argumentative essay. It presents argument to support the thesis that state in the orientation. It means that the text emphasize something and give recommendation to persuade and convinced the readers.

Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc. Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and educated people. It means that the text that asserts something to the readers by giving supporting statement and evidence to convince it. To make the persuasion stronger, the speaker or writer gives some arguments as the fundamental reasons why something is the case.
According Pardiono (2007) there are some general characteristic or features of hortatory exposition text: communicative purpose, schematic structure (generic structure), and linguistic feature. Communicative purpose is driving the readers to act like the writer thought as stated in the text. Semantic structure or generic structure consists are thesis, argument, and recommendation. Thesis is a writer’s statement of his or her position about a certain topic or problem. Argument contains description of facts to support his or her statement. It is commonly more than one argument. Recommendation contains a suggestion, an advice or a recommendation. Then the last is language features contains appropriate grammar in the text.

The generic structure of hortatory exposition text
According to Hartono (2005), the generic structure of hortatory exposition are:

1. Thesis
Thesis is similar to tentative conclusion which needs to be proven by certain fact and argument. In the end, it can be true or false.
Thesis is introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position. The thesis consists of statement or announcement of issue concern.

2. Arguments
This is the phases which try to examine and support that the thesis stated above is true. It is explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position. The arguments then will lead to recommendation. Example: Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.

3. Recommendation
This part gives suggestions which contains what should or should not be done or happen based on the given arguments. This recommendation is differentiating from analytical exposition. It is restating the writer’s position. Example: It is suggested that smokers consider stopping smoking for their health. Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a health risk to the smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.

Language features of hortatory exposition text
1.    A hortatory exposition focuses on generic human and non-human participants, except for speaker writer referring to self. It uses mental processes: to state what the speaker / writer thinks or feels about something, e.g. realize, feel.
2.    It often needs material processes: to state what happens, e.g. .... has polluted...., etc.
3.    It usually uses Simple Present Tense and Present Perfect Tense.
4.    Enumeration is sometimes necessary to show the list of the given arguments: Firstly, secondly, finally, etc.
Modal auxiliary is usually used: can, may, should, etc.

(Hardiana on

2.1.7     The Procedure of Teaching Hortatory Exposition Using Semantic Mapping
Hogue on Maximilian & Ajeng (2013:61) explain steps of semantic mapping in teaching writing as below:
a.    Write target topic on chalk board;
b.    Have students brainstorm words related to topic;
c.    Write/list the words by categories in the form of map;
d.    Have the students provide labels for each category (optional);
e.    Discuss the words on the semantic map.

2.1.8     The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Semantic Mapping
The advantages of using Semantic Mapping in teaching writing as below:
a.    Semantic Mapping helps students to link known words and new words;
b.    It helps students explore and develop their knowledges and ideas;
c.    It makes the students focus to the topic;
d.    It is effective to develop ideas.

The disadvantages of using Semantic Mapping in teaching writing as below:
The students get difficulties in putting their ideas into sentence because they only focus on the semantic mapping.
(Taken from:

2.2         The Frame of Thinking
In teaching and learning English, the teachers should teach by using technique and method to help the students to master the material and make the students’ motivation enjoyable in learning and teaching process.

Based on the theories above the writer assumes that Semantic Mapping is useful to apply in writing process, especially in hortatory exposition. Semantic mapping can make writing easier in compose the sentences by making a words graphic. Therefore, the writer assumes that Semantic Mapping is appropriate technique in writing hortatory exposition. To see the influence of Semantic Mapping towards students’ writing ability, the writer drew the frame of thinking  as follow:

Hortatory Exposition

a.    A technique to represent graphical to make the students easier find new words based on the topic.
b.    To motivate and involve the students in writing aspects.

a.    Students are able to write hortatory exposition well.
b.    Students are able to develop ideas based on the topic.

Semantic Mapping

2.3         The Hypothesis
Based on the frame of thinking above, the writer made the hypothesis as follows:
1.     There is significant influence of semantic mapping towards students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition.
2.     The average score of students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition is taught through Semantic Mapping is higher than which is taught through teaching by explanation.


3.1 The Method of Research
In this research, the writer would use the experimental method. In experimental method, the writer would give treatment, observation and test to the class. It means that the writer would be active in learning process, to teach the students writing hortatory exposition with semantic mapping technique. In this occasion the writer would use two classes of the eleventh class at SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu in 2015/2016.

3.2 The Variable of Research
There are two variables in this research. Those are would describe as follows:
1)     The independent variable of this research is semantic mapping (X)
2)     The dependent variable of this research is the students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition (Y)

3.3 The Operational Definition of Variable
The operational definition of variable is used to describe the characteristic of the variable that is investigated by the writer as follows:
1)    Using semantic mapping in teaching writing means that the writer uses it as the teaching technique.
2)    The students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition is the ability of the students in expressing their ideas, thoughts and opinions into written form, especially hortatory exposition.

3.4 The Population, Sample and Sampling Technique
3.4.1 The Population
The population of this research is the students at the second semester of the eleventh class at SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu in 2015/2016. The students of eleventh class consists of 6 classes. It would be described on the table below.
Table 1
The population of SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu in 2015/2016

Source: SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu.
3.4.2 The Sample
In this research the writer takes two classes of eleventh class as an experiment class and a control class. The experiment class is XI IPA 1 and the control class is XI IPA 2 and it consists of 70 students.

3.4.3 The Sampling Technique
To determine the sample of the research, the writer uses Cluster Random Sampling Technique because the classes are homogenous.

3.5 The Data Collecting Technique
3.5.1 The Main Technique
To know the students’ writing ability, the writer would give writing test. It consists of three choices of titles to make a composition of hortatory exposition. The titles are: Fast food, Internet, and Sports. The students are expected to be able to write hortatory exposition text, which have the function to persuade the reader that something should or should not be the case or done. The writer would give the times for students 90 minutes to compose a hortatory exposition.

In scoring students’ ability to write hortatory exposition, the writer applies the scoring system proposed by Tribble (1996:130-131) as follows:

Table 2
Scoring System
Excellent to very good.
Excellent to very good treatment of the subject; considerable variety of ideas or argument; independent and thorough interpretation of the topic; content relevant to the topic; accurate detail.
Good to average.
Adequate treatment of topic; some variety of ideas or argument; some independance of interpretation of the topic; some variety of ideas or arguments; some independance of interpretation of the topic; most content relevant to the topic; reasonably accurate detail.
Fair to poor.
Treatment of the topic is hardly adequate; litle variety of ideas and argument; some irrelevant content; lacking detail.
Very Poor.
Inadequate treatment of the topic; no variety of ideas or argument; content irrelevant or very restricted; almost no useful detail.
Fails to adress the task with any effectiveness

Excellent to very good.
Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated and supported; appropriately organized paragraphs or sections; logically sequence (coherence); connectives appropriately used (cohesion).

Good to average.
Uneven expression but main ideas stand out; paragraphing or section  organization evident; logically sequence(coherence); some connective used (cohesion).
Fair to poor.
Very uneven expression, ideas difficult to follow; paragraphing/organization does not help the reader; sequence difficult to follow (coherence); connectives largely absent (cohesion).
Very poor.
Lack fluent expression, ideas difficult to follow; litle sense of paragraphing/organization; no sense of logical sequence (coherence) connectives not used (cohesion).
Fail to adress this aspec of the task with any effectiveness.

Excellent to very good.
Wide range of vocabulary; accurate word/idiom choice and usage; appropriate selection to match register.
Good to average.
Adequate range of vocabulary; occasional mistakes in word/ idiom choice and usage; register not always appropriate.

Fair to poor.
Limited range of vocabulary; noticeable number of mistakes in word/idiom choice and usage; egister not always appropriate.

Very poor.
No range vocabulary; uncomfortably frequent mistake in word/idiom choice and usage; no apparent sense of register.
Fails to address this aspect of the task with any effectiveness.

Excellent to very good.
Confident handling of appropriate structures, hardly any errors of agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, pronouns, preposition, meaning never obscured.
Good to average.
Acceptable grammar – but problems with more complex structures, mostly appropriate structures, some errors of agreement tense, number, word order, articles, pronouns, prepositions, meaning sometimes obscured.
Fair to poor.
Insufficient range of structures with control only shown in simple construction; frequent errors of agreement tense, number, word order, articles, pronouns, preposition, meaning often obscured.
Very poor.
Major problems with structures – evens simple ones; frequent errors of negation, agreement tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions, meaning often obscured.

Fails to address this aspect of the task with any effectiveness.


Excellent to very good.
Demonstrates full command of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, layout.
Good to average.
Occasion errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, layout.
Fair to poor.
Frequent errors in spelling, punctuations, capitalization, layout.
Very Poor.
Fails to address this aspect of the task with any effectiveness.

3.5.2   The Supporting Technique
The supporting technique to collect the data, the writer used observation, interview, documentation and library study.
1.    Observation
Observation is used to observe the students and teachers in teaching and learning process.
2.    Documentation
Documentation is needed to know the condition of the students and teachers. It uses to complete the data.
3.    Library Study
The writer collects some theories that can support the research.

3.6 The Validity and Readability of The Test
3.6.1   The Validity of the Test
To know the validity of the test, in this research the writer used logical validity by using the content and construct validity. It means that the test would design base on the syllabus of the current curriculum and the material of teaching English as a foreign language.

3.6.2   The Readability of the Test
In administering a test, it is important to determine an understandable instruction. It is necessary since there have been some cases in which students failed to do the test due to their ability to understand the given instruction. Huges (1989: 39-30) mention some factors to write a good instruction. First, the instruction should be clear and explicit. Second, it should avoid the supposition that students all know what is intended. Third, the test writershould no rely on the students’ power of telepathy to elicit the desired behavior.
Readability of writing test contains of:
1.    Whether the instruction are understandable or not.
2.    Whether the kind of type of writing hortatory exposition is clear or not.
3.    Whether the organization (generic structure) of the hortatory exposition is understandable or not.
4.    Whether writing indicators to be evaluated are clear or not.
5.    Whether are topics are interesting or not.
To know the readability of the writing test , the writer formulated the following questions:
1.    Do you understand the instruction of the test?
2.    Is the kind of essay demanded in this test stated clearly?
3.    Is the organization of the essay demanded in this test understandable?
4.    Are the writing indicators to be evaluated in this test clear?
5.    Are the topics interesting?

To know the test is readable or not, the try out was given to other students out of the samples having the same level as the samples. The result is more than 75% of respondents give “yes” answer to ech item of readability test. It can be concluded that writing test is readable and it can be used in this research.
Result of Readability Test

From A question, there is 100% who give YES answer. From B question, there is 100% who give YES answer. From C question, there is 93% who give YES answer. From D question, there is 80% who give YES answer and from E question, there is 96% who give YES answer. The result shows that the items are readable.


4.1 The Prosedure of Research
The research was conducted on October 12nd up to November 14th, 2015. Before conducting the research, the writer asked permission to the headmaster and teacher of SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu by giving the research letter and proposal. Then the writer conducted the research by these following steps:
1.     Determining the subject of the research, they were students of SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu at first semester of eleventh class.
2.     Taking the sample from the population.
3.     Giving try out test to the students out of the sample to know the readability of the test.
4.     Giving treatment in experimental class by using semantic mapping.
5.     Writing test after the treatment was given to get the data.
6.     Analyzing the data from the test given and making conclusion.
7.     Reposting the result of the research.

4.2 The Report of Research
In this research the writer explains about The Data Normality Test of the Experimental Class, The Data Normality Test of Control Class, The Homogeneity Test of Variance, The Hypothesis Test,The Testing of The Equality of the Average Score, The Testing of the Difference of Two Average and Discussion.

4.2.1 The Data Normality Test of Experimental Class
From the result and the calculation in appendix 16, it is known:
The highest score    = 95
The lowest score      = 66
N                                 = 35
K                                 = 6
P                                 = 5
                              = 2740
                              = 216300
                                = 78.29
S1                                          = 7.27
                          = 5.05
 (α=0.05)           = 7.81
 (α=0.01)           = 11.3

After analyzing the data, the writer found that the data have normal distribution because  that is 5.05 < 7.81 or 11.3 (  was lower than . at significance level 0.05 is 7.81 and 0.01 is 11.3 and then  is 6.35). So, the H0 or hypothesis was accepted, it means that the data had normal distribution.

4.2.2 The Data Normality Test of Control Class
From the result and the calculation in appendix 17, it is known:
The highest score    = 81
The lowest score      = 49
N                                 = 35
K                                 = 7
P                                 = 5
                              = 2385
                              = 165085
                                = 68.14
S2                                          = 8.68
                          = 12.68
 (α=0.05)           = 9.49
 (α=0.01)           = 13.3

After analyzing the data, the writer found   = 12.68,  at significance level 0.05 = 9.49 and ,  at significance level 0.01 = 13.3.
Although  > ,  at significance level 0.05 (12.68 > 9.49), but at significance level 0.01,  (12.68 < 13.3). it means that H0 was accepted and the data had normal distribution.

4.2.3 The Homogeneity Test of Variance
From the calculation in appendix 18, it is known:

And also it uses the real level 0.05 and 0.01.
For α = 0.05 obtained from
For α = 0.01 obtained from

From the result above,  at significance level of 0.05 is 2.07 and  at significance level 0.01 is 2.63, since  (1.43 < 2.07 < 2.63). So, H0 is accepted and it means the sample had the variants quality.

4.3 The Hypothesis Test
From the calculationin appendix 19, it is known:
Based on the previous calculation, the writer got:
        = 35
        = 52.86
        = 35
        = 75.42
        = 78.29
        = 68.14

4.4 Testing of Hypothesis
4.4.1 The Testing of the Equality of the Average Score
From the calculation in appendix 19 it is known also:
 for the significance kevel 5% (α=0.05) obtained:
 = 2.00
 for the significance kevel 1% (α=0.01) obtained:
 = 2.66

Based on the result above, it was found that = 5.30 was higher than  with significance level 0.05 = 2.00 and 0.01 = 2.66. So, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. It means that there is positive influence of using Semantic Mapping towards students’ writing Hortatory Exposition of the eleventh class at SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu in 2015/2016.
4.5 Discussion
In this research, the writer was focus on Semantic Technique to help the students in writing ability. The writer was active in learning process. It means she gave treatment, observation and test to the students to get the data.

The research was conducted at the first semester of the eleventh class at SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu in 2015/2016. In this research the writer applied Semantic Mapping to increase students’ vocabulary to help them in writing ability. After analyzing the data, the writer found that the average score of students, writing ability in experimental class who are taught through Semantic Mapping was higher than students in control class who are learn through teaching by explanation (77.43 was higher than 69.67). In addition the result of was higher than  with significance 0.05 (4.96 was higher than 2.00). It means that the average score by using Semantic Mapping is higher than teaching by explanation. Therefore the writer concluded that Semantic Mapping was able to increase students’ writing ability of eleventh class at SMA Negeri SMA Negeri 2 Ogan komering Ulu in 2015/2016.


5.1       Conclusion
From the description of the hypothesis test, the writer was able to make conclusion as follows:
1.     Based on the data analysis, it was got  or  = 5.30,  with significance level 0.05 = 2.00 and  with significance level 0.01 = 2.66. It means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted because   (5.30 > 2.00 > 2.66). So we could conclude that there was an influence of Semantic Mapping towards students’ writing Hortatory Exposition of the eleventh class at SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu In 2015/2016.
2.     Based on the analysis of the data, the average score of experiment class was 78.29 and the average score of control class was only 68.14. It means that class which was taught with Semantic Mapping was higher than class which was taught with teaching by explanation. So it means also that Semantic Mapping is a technique that can increase motivation in learning writing especially in writing hortatory exposition and Semantic Mapping is one of ways that can be used by the teacher to make the students explore their ideas in teaching writing.

5.2 Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gives some suggestions to increase the quality of teacing learning English at second semester of SMA Negeri 2 Ogan Komering Ulu. They are:
1.     For the Teacher
·           In teaching writing especially hortatory exposition, the teacher is suggested to use semantic mapping as an alternative technique in order to help the students to get new vocabulary easily so that the students can develop their ideas easily.
·           In teaching writing the teacher should present in various ways to decrease the students’ boredom.
2.     For the Students
The writer suggest that the students consider the importance of mastering English especially writing instead of thinking that is difficult to learn. Students should master vocabulary and the contents of grammar to enrich their writing ability
3.     For the School
The writer suggests for the school to increase the students’ motivation in learning English by providing many collection of English books in library because it can make the students improve their knowledge.