Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Correlation Bettween Students’ Ability Getting Main Ideas Of Paragraph And Their Reading Ability


2.1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Language is more than a system communication, it involves whole person. Culture, development communicative process, it is a means that language is very important for communication in community (Brown.1994:70)

Based on the statement above, it is clear that language is a meant of communication human being uses language to express idea, feeling and to there expectation interaction to other , language is organizing grammatical sound made or organizing speech that has meaning and it used to communication to other people.

Like many other language, English is needed very much by people all over the world. People use it as a tool of communication in some countries in the world. English become the international language that is used in communication. Thus, the people need to understand it and be able to speak by using the language. People can access knowledge, science, technology, culture, etc. by using English and can get much information which can make them to easy get a job. Besides that, it is also very important for people who come from different countries to use it so that they can communication and interact each other because they will not understand one another if they do not understand English.

Not every country uses English the same. Some countries take English as their first language, some other it as the second language, and in others English may function as the target language.

First language countries are the language which is gotten by peoples as they were born. They use it for communication every day. Second language is the language that is gotten by people when they have known their first language. And sometime use it to communicate. While foreign language is the language which is not used by people in communication every day. But it is learnt and taught in the school. Like in Indonesia

English functions as the foreign language. It has been taught to many elementary school and all universities .even it is taught as the compulsory subject to student at junior high school, senior high school, and university.

Like many other language, English is needed very much by people all over the world. People use it as a tool of communication in some countries in the world. English become the international language that is used in communication. Thus, the people need to understand it and be able to speak by using the language. People can access knowledge, science, technology, culture, etc. by using English, and can get much information which can make them  to easily get a job. Besides that, it is also very important for people who come from different countries to use it so that they can communicate and interact each other because they will not understand one another if they do not understand English.

Not every country uses English the same. Same countries take English as their first language, some other takes it as the second language, and it others English may function as the foreign or target language.

First language is “language which is gotten by people as they were born. They use it for communicate every day. Second language is the language that is gotten by people when they have known their first language, and sometimes use it to communicate. While foreign language is the language which neither is nor used by people communication every day, but it is learnt and taught in the school. Like in Indonesia.

English function as the first foreign language it has been taught to many elementary school and all universities. Even it is taught as the compulsory subject to student at junior high school, senior high school and university. Those school and university are hoped so that they can product skillful graduated who have ability and write in English. Especially student at junior and senior high school are targeted to achieve standard of competence determined in the national curriculum.

Besides having to understand English, the students should also understand the English culture, all this is important because we learn English in other to access information of high technology and knowledge coming from English countries, which clearly contains their culture values.
Cameron (2001: 12) states” in foreign language teaching, there is an onus on the teacher to provide exposure to the language and provide opportunities for learn though class room activities. Many advantages are claimed for staring to learn a foreign language. The writer thinks that because of foreign language teaching is responsibility of the teacher and it has many advantages so it should be taught early in the school in order that the students can speak English after they learn it.

In addition, Cameron (2002:8)”language is the most important tool for cognitive growth and it has investigated how adult use language to moderate the world for children and help them to do solve the problems”. This mean that the writer assumes that talk support students carrying out an activity and they can support each other.

2.2    The Concept of Paragraph
Oshuma and Hogue(1985:3) state that a paragraph is a unit of organization in the writing in which a group of related sentences develops one main idea. Mc Whorter (1986:71) also supports that a paragraph is a group one of related sentence which tells about the single topic.

A paragraph has a unity if it is controlled by one main idea which is expire sad in the topic sentence. The topic sentence focuses on only one topic, while the other sentence in the paragraph serve as the supporting ideas to express the detail information related to topic sentence

Coherence in a paragraph is achieved when all sentence in the paragraph show clear relationships among them. One way of establishing a coherent paragraph is by using transitional markers

Based on the questions above, the writer summarizes that a paragraph is a group of sentence which develops one topic or main idea and as the basic unit organizing in writing. A paragraph consists of a topic sentence, supporting sentence and concluding sentence, a paragraph good paragraph has a unity and coherence element

Coffecy (1990:3) Say that paragraph is a group of sentences that clearly and concisely expressed one basic main idea, the paragraph can be complete it self or it can part of essay or research report.

Paragraph has three structural parts:
  1. A paragraph begins with general sentence that introduces the topic, these sentences called as a topic sentence, and it contains the main idea in a paragraph. The topic sentence tells the readers what the paragraph is going to be about.
  2. The topic sentence contain word that need to be explained, described and in the paragraph. These word are called controlling ideas because they control the information that is given in the paragraph.
  3. concluding sentences means that the sentences that ends the paragraph (Reid,1994:55).

2.3        The Concept of Main Idea
Hancock (1987:54) defined that the main idea is the essence of the paragraph, or rather what the author is trying to get across to the reader. In other word, the main idea is the important idea that the author develop through out the paragraph. Then, the function of the entire paragraph is to explain develop and support the main idea.
According to Doyle (2004) the main idea of a paragraph answers the question:
What is the main idea point or points the author is expressing about the topic? The main idea of a passage or reading is the central thought or message. It refers to the point or thought being expressed. Main idea must be backed up, supported restated or reinforced the rest of the paragraph is a group of related sentences which tells about the single topic. It can be sum up that if the participants want comprehend a paragraph, they should get the idea of the paragraph.      

Most of the times the authors choose to hint the main idea. It means that usually in a text, the main idea is implicitly stated that’s perhaps why the participants find it difficult for them to identify the main idea.

According to Mewhorter (1986:36) a sentence which states the main idea is called the topic sentence. She adds that the topic sentence tells what the rest of the paragraph is about topic sentence is a statement found in a paragraph which states the topic and the main idea of the paragraph. In reading, this term is synonymous with a stated main idea sentence or stated main idea sentence guides on controls what can expressed in the paragraph. It states two pieces information.

Main idea may be anywhere in the paragraph, but are typically found in the following locations.

1.    First Sentence
The author states main idea at the beginning of the paragraph. For example:
Some people try to forcibly keep their loved ones from using drugs. They hide bottles or pour their contents down the drain; they search out the pills and flues them away; they try to keep their loved ones away from the people or places that offer temptation. Others try to go along with what the drug abuser want to keep him or her happy. They make every effort to prevent their loved ones from getting upset, so that he/she will not have an excuse to get high.

2.      Last Sentence
The author builds up the main idea and states in a sentence at the very end
For example:
Long-term users of cocaine can develop chronic sore throats, inflamed sinuses and, sometimes, holes in cartilage of their noses. Cocaine can trigger heart attacks and worsen pre-existing heart problem. Currents research also points toward the possibility that high doses of cocaine cause permanent brain damage. So, whether you snort it, swallow it, inject it, or smoke it, cocaine is physically debilitating.

3.      Middle of Paragraph
The author states it in the middle of the paragraph.
For example: 
There are deer in abundance here. The whole area is a great country for hunters and fisherman. There are bears, occasional mountain lions, and coyotes. To the east there are streams fall of trout, and there are ducks, geese and a few peasants.
2.4 The Concept of Reading Ability

Talking about the concept of reading, it is just like talking about the concept of a word in the sense of meaning. There will be no single concept that is suitable to be applied in every occasion. It means that a concept that is suitable for one case might not be suitable for another case.

Reading English text is important for us because by reading English text students can get knowledge and information that might be useful for them, but is not easy to be a good reader, moreover if the English text is complicated. The students need more understanding about the main ideas of the reading text.

Harmer (2001:204) States that extensive reading is especially where students are reading material written specially their level, has number of benefits for the development of students’ language

From the explanation about: it is clear that at school, reading is very important in learning English, the activity of studying will be meaningful and the enjoyable. By reading the learner will be stimulated to get more competence in learning reading ability. It also has function reach a goal in students learning,
Brown (2001:306) stated that the love of reading has propelled many a learner to successful acquisition of reading skill. Based on the statement above the “love” of reading is the powerful motivation to read a book, so a person is keen on the reading can be cusses to master the reading skill

Rohim in his book stated that: Reading can stimulate the imagination, with reading, you select the cast. Set the stage, and direct the action. As Dr. Bruno Battelhelm observed, (in Rohim) television captures the imagination but does not liberate it. A good book at once stimulates and fries the mind”. Reading also develops verbal skill. Reading requires and develop verbal skills; it is inextricably linked with speech and writing”. (Rohim, 2005: 1)

It is clear that reading is very important in language learning. Reading car stimulates the imagination, so, she students will create more knowledge by reading. Reading also develop verbal skill by reading student can identify can of verbal phrases sentence and main idea.  

There are some techniques that need to be applied by the reader while they reed such as skimming and scanning. Those are useful skills in reading. Nuttal (1982:34) mentions that idea of ignoring or skimming some word in a text seem strange for the reader who accustomed to plodding  word by word;  but the skimming and scanning techniques  require this.

1.    Scanning
Brown (2001:308) Stated that scanning is quickly searching for some particular piece or pieces of information in a text. Scanning exercises may ask students to lock for names or dates, to find a definition of a key concept, or to list a certain number of supporting details. It means scanning is very useful in finding specific information from a reading text or from an article quickly. For example: the   want to know about the phone number of someone, the reader just search the name from the phone numbers book by looking the firs alphabet and the reader will get the information about it quickly without look for the name one by one. 
Nuttal 1982:34) defines scanning as glancing rapidly through a text either to search for specific information or to get an initial impression of whether the text is for a given purpose.

2.    Skimming
Brown (2001:308) stated skimming gives the advantage of being able to predict, the purpose of the passage, the main topic, or message, and possibly some of the developing or supporting ideas, It means that for this kind of reading the reader usually do not want to know and remember everything, the important thing is the reader can get the purpose, man topic or message of the text.
Nuttal (1982:34) states that skimming means glancing rapidly through a text to determine its gist. By learning to skim, the students may develop the skill in strengthening the comprehension of main idea.
It can be concluded that reading techniques especially skimming is needed in finding out the main idea.

2.5     The Correlation between Getting Main Idea of Paragraph and Their Reading Ability

Reading is one of the fore reading skills in learning teaching English. The purpose of the reading is to understand the meaning and content of reading text. In reading texts there are paragraph and each paragraph has elements that make up the text has meaning completely

Christine Nuttal said that understanding the structure of the whole text may contribute to an understanding on individual of it, just as understanding, what a paragraph says
Are something useful in understanding one of its sentences. But more importantly tracing the structure of the text will usually result in clearer understanding of its overall message (Christine Nuttal, 1981:110)
From the statements above, the writer assumes that structure is important we can understand about the sentence and to get or find out main idea in a paragraph essential: which means that the reader can construct the message from the reading or written material it self.

http://applij.oxfordjournals. Org/ogi/content/abstract/12/2/15
Wallace state that each of these situation reveals a different view of the reading process on the teacher’s part, in Wallace book Mrs. Charles say that” take a view of learning to read us a set of skills being able to pronounce and discriminate between particular sound is considered to be prerequisite of reading” (Wallace 1992:6)
Based on the statement above, teachers will give more change to the students to read. Because when the students read not only improve reading skill but also learn about knowledge. Although the focus on teacher reading that teacher burials student’ reading skills.

2.6  Frame of Thinking
As we know that language is foreign language in Indonesia that has been learnt by all students. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ teaching English as a foreign language TEFL or teaching English as foreign language refers to teaching English to student whose firs language is not language. It mean that English is not used for communication in daily activity, but now English is compulsory subject which is taught from elementary school up to university. To master English the students should master four skill, they are reading, speaking, listening and writing because it is important to the student to improve their language in English, the aim of the teaching learning process in English , are able to use English actively are efficient.

Mikulecky and Jeffries (2004: VI) stated that reading is one important to improve your general language skills in English. Based on the statement above it meant by reading we can increase the other skill especially in English to other skill speaking, listening and writing. So in teaching learning process the English teacher must be taught with appropriate method and technique, especially teaching reading.

Figure 1
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variable
Getting Main Idea
Dependent Variable
Reading Ability


              Independent Variable                                           Dependent Variable

  1. They have vocabulary mastery.
  2. The students are able to know information of text.
  3. The students are able to build a better vocabulary and to know the main idea of each text.
  1. The students have vocabulary mastery.
  2. The students know the main idea of each paragraph.



2.7    The Hypothesis
The hypothesis of research is:
  1. The students’ in getting main idea is fair
  2. The students’ reading ability is fair
  3. There is positive correlation between students’ ability in getting main idea of paragraph and there reading ability.
  4. There is significant correlation between students’ ability in getting main idea of paragraph and there reading ability.

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