1.1 Background of Problem
English as n international language which is spoken by many people in
the world. In the globalization era,
everyone demands for mastering English because English plays an important role
in many sectors of life, such as economic, politic, science and etc; English is
also as top requirement to apply job. Nowadays people are becoming more nd more
aware of the importance of English. English is important because as an
international language. It means that English plays as global language in the
In 2015, Indonesia entered the international market and Economic
community of Asean(MEA). Therefore, all people in the world will come to our
country to sell good products and service, automatically English is used for commuication.
If we do not master English well, we will be left other country. As we know, if
we want to get good job in other country. We must mastering English because in
other country, English use as second language. Now, we have strong compete with
them to fulfill the job vacancy. For answering that challenge, mastering
English is very needed, it is needed in all item especially in education. The students who want to continue
their study to get higher education or they want to continue education in other
country, they must master English
because English is the key which opens the door of knowledge. It means that most og litterature
are written in English.
In indonesia, English is taught as foreign language. English is taught
from earlier age until university level. There are a lot of schools especially in kindergarten and
Elementary schools which use English echniquein their curriculum. It happens
because many of parents in the modern era have awareness that English is
necessary uin every human being. Teaching English in Idonesia has goal to
improve students in oral and written. The competence involve four skill, they
are listening, reading, speaking and writing.
But from those skill many student sa writing is difficult skill
than other skill. From the statment
above, the writer assumes if the wriing is more difficult rather than other
skills. In this research, the writer will be focused in writing skills. Because
wriing is most complex skills and there are a plenty of students said it is boredom
Writing is skill to express idea, thought and feeling to other people in
written form. Writing is sending message from the writer to the reader. Writing
is important to support in academic life. Actually, teaching writing is
difficult. There ar some problems face both teachers and students.
Based on the prejimijiarxie^ajrh_al_SMA
Muhammadiyah Braja Seiebah, the writer found that there are some problems in
teaching writing. The students get difficulties in expressing their ideas, they
wasted of time for writing preparation snd process. It happens because they
still lack in vocabulary, grammar and puntuation. On the other hand, teachers
still lack of knowledge how to teach writing and not use media maximally.
Teaching writing in senior high school is different with junior high school and elementary
school. We should know the condition of he class it self and should have good
preparation. Ussualy, in teaching writing, the teachers only mention and write
many topic in the whiteboard and the
students are asked to choose one topic teaching writing, the teachers only
mention and write many topic in the whiteboard and the stdents are asked to
choose one topic which make them
interested without guiding from the teachers. And also the teachers use LKS when
they teach writing. Nowadays, we know that LKS sometime do not provide execises
to express their ideas in written form. Therefore, the students do not
interested and very bored in writing subject. To solve those problem, there are
many ways which can be done such as using various teachnique is useful to build
students’ motivation and make them interested in learning wriing. The teacher
should select appropriate teachniques which is easy and can be understood by
teachers and students. There are a lot kinds of techniques which can be used.
One of them is Cooperative Learning Type Jigsaw.
Based on statement above the writer is
interesting to apply Coopertive learning type jigsaw for improving students
writing ability at SMA NEGERI 07 Bandar Lampung. Therefore, the writer proposes
the research entitled : “The Infuence of Cooperative Learning Type Jigsaw
towards Students’ Writing ability of Procedure text at the Eleventh class of
SMA Negeri 7 Bandar Lampung
in 2016/2017.”
Identification of Problem
Based on background of problem above, there
are some problems:
The students get difficulties in expressing
their idea in writing.
The students’ abiity in writing procedure
text need to be increased
The teacher has seldom used Cooperative learning type jigsaw in
teaching writing.
Limitation of The Problem
Based on the background of problem above, the
writer focuses only on the influence of cooperative learning type jigsaw
towards students’ writing ability of procedure text.
Formulation of The Problem
Based on the limitation of the problem, the
writer has formulation of problem as follows:
Is there any influencec of cooperative
learning type jigsaw toward students’ writing ability of procedure text?
Is the avarage score of students’ procedure
writing ability who learn writing through cooperative learning type jigsaw
higher compared with those students who learn writing through direct
The Objective
and Use go the Research
The Objective
of the Research
To know and to desribes the influence of cooperative
learning type jigsaw towards students’ writing of procedure text ability.
To know nd to describe whether or not the
average score of students’ procedure writing skill who learn writing through
cooperative learning type jigsaw technique is higher than those who learn
writing procedure text with direct instruction.
The uses of
the Research
To give information to teacher especially to
English teachers in senior high school about the influence of cooperative
learning type jigsaw toward students’ writing of procedure text ability.
To make students become easier i8n learnin
To motivate students in writing procedure
As an information for further research.
The Scope of
the Research
The subject of
the Research
The subjects of the research are the students in the second semester at
the Eleventh class of SMAN 07 Bandar Lampung in 2016/2017.
The Object of
the Research
The object of the research is
students’ ability in writing procedure text.
The Place of
the Research
The place of the research will be conducted at SMAN 07 Bandar Lampung.
The Time of
the Research
The time of the research will be conducted at the second semester in
The Concept of
Language is believed exist as a product from
culture. It means that language is used by many people to talk with someone,
express an idea, share information and get knowledge, so every human as social
creature needs language as communicate and interact with another people.
According to Finocchiaro (1964:8) cited in Brown (1994:3) states
“Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols which permit all people in a
given culture or other ;people who have learned the system of he culture, to
communicate or to interact”. So, language is important, because language has
funcion a a tool of communication. This statment is supported by Sapir
(1985:162) cited in Hall (2011;180)
states “Human beings do not live in the
objective world alone, not alone in the world of social acivity is ordinary
understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has
become the mediumm of expression for their society.”
The following are the concept of language
stated by Brown (1994:5)
Language is systemaic And generative
Language is a se of arbitrary smbols
Those symbols are primarly vocal, but may Also be visual
The symbols have conven tionalized meanings
to which they refers
Language is used for communication
Language operates in a speech community or
Language is essenially human, alhough
possibly not limited to humans
Language is acquired by all people in much
the same way-language and language learning both have universal characerisic.
It means that, without language, people can
not interact each other and difficult to deliver what they are thingking and to
get information. So with a languag people can communicate and get information.
So with a language people can communicate and get information and knowledge
easily. Based on theory above, the writer assumes that language iis a tool for
communication, it has the function to give the information from the informaton from
the speakers to the listeners, from the writer to the reader an d Language is
expression of an idea and feeling to get information and knowledge from another
English as Foreign Language
English is an international language which
has been learnt and taught by many people in all county in the world. For many
countries, like singapore and Malaysia, English i8s taught as a second language
and the demand for mastering because with mastering English they can get more
knowledge and information easily.
According to Gebhard (2009: 39) states “EFL
is an acronym for English as Foreign Languag and it studied by people who live
in places where English is not a first language, such as in Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam”. It
means that English is not our language, so in Indonesia, English is taught as a
foreign language; therefore Indonesian of society do not use English in daily communication.
It means that in Indonesia, learning English just focus in school especially
grammatical rules of English and an error which always corrected, students just
learnt English in the classroom and they have limited opportunities to use
English in real life. The students just have opportunities to use English when
the teachers or lectures use English in
the classroom and when they asked to practice English orally in front of the
class. It is different with the other
country where English is used to communicate in daily life.
As a
Foreign Language, the opportunities of using English for communication is
limited because the society an d environment do not support the students to
communicate with English. Teaching English is more difficult. Therefore, the
techers should be able to make appropiate sitution or activities that can make
students are interested to learn and use English naturallyy based on the
situation which is made by the teachers. The teachers also must use mdia and
good technique to reach the goal of learning a language and make the students
have high motivation and also the teachers give more attention with thee
students’ weakness to help them in solving
A definition about foreign Language by Wilkins (1980: 153)”That
the foreign language is one in which the
target language is not the mother tongue of any group within the country where
it is being learned and has no internal communication either”. It means that
learning English as foreign language cannot used in dail communication. It is
only learnt in the classroom. Teaching English as foreign language can be said
success if the language used in communication and good ineraction. Harmer adds
that “When the teachers gives an
instructions, it is important for them to check what the students have
understood what they are being asked to do ... this can be achieved either by
asking a student or by explaining after the teacher has given the insruction
... “. (Harmer, 2005:4)
Based on the theory above, the writer assumes
that learning English as foreign language is difficult because it is not used
in daily communication and the teachers must use attractive and interesting
technique. It is because in learning
english the students must master four skills, such as listening, speaking,
reading and writing. The teachers are expected can build motivation in learning
language and make the students enjoy in learning language.
The Concept of
According to Barnet and Stubbs (1990) state that writing is the
media of communicatio of making a contact between the writers and the readers,
so that the readers should understand the writte product. It means that commuicatio will be
useful if the readers understand what
the writers write. Therefore, there is good connection between the writers and
the readers.
Broadman and Frydenberg (2002) state that
writing is continou process of thinking and organizing, rethinking and
reorganizing. It means that in writing, the students must think what will
they write in paper and how organize it
and it is must done continously. In addition, Egawa (2003) states that writing
is a social activity, it6 should be embedded in social context. It means that
writing can develop relatioship in society including family, friends, and
individuals which tell the experience and communicating profesionally.
Writing is important, but is not easy for the
students. Accordig to Nunan (1989:367) states that writing is not natural
activity. All physically and mentally normal people learn to speak a language.
Yet all people have to be taught how to write. This is crucial differece
between the spoken and the written form of language. There other important
difference as all. Writing, unlike speech, is displaced in time. Indeed, this
must be one reason why writing originally involved since it make possible the
transmission of a message from one place to other.
Barnet and Stubb (2000) say that writing is a
phsycal act that requires practices and the students can learn it through
practice. It means that writing is difficult for students, but it will be
easier if the students are never tired to do practice to be able to have good
Based on the statement above, the writer
assumes that writing is expressing thought, idea and feling in writtten form,
where the readers understand what the writers mean. But the students get
difficulties in expressing their idea because they not found appropiate
technique in writing and they still lack in vocabulary. To get good writing,
the writer should know everything which is related with componnent of
vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and etc. The writer needs a lot of practice to
have good writing.
The Concept of
Teaching Writing
Writing is a productive and intregrated skill. In the process of writin g. The students should
express their idea fom brain to a piece of paper with using pen and hands.
Beside that, the writers should use language structure and need to practice
more because writing is more polite and formal than speaking communication. In
writing, the writers are expected to focusin linguistic component to make clear meaning. This supported by
Raimes (1983: 3) “Writing reinforces the grammatical structures, idiom and
vocabulary that we have been teaching our students”.
The teacher should teach writing, because it
is one of the aspects of language skill and exist in the curriculum. But the
students still find the difficulties in learning writing. It can be said that
writing is difficult to be mastered by the students.
In writing, the students should know what the
purpos or the reason why they write and for whom they write. The teachers also
have appropiate technique for teaching writing. Byrne (1995: 1) states
“Sometime writing comes easily, if we are
in the right ‘mood’ or have clear and perhaps pressing need to express
The statement above means that the teacher
should be able to enhance the students’ interest and motivation in writing class, it means
that teachers must use appropiate and attractive technique which is relevant
for the students. Writing i8s important in teaching and learning process in
foreign language especially in the process of communication between the writer
and reader.
Based on the statement above, the writer
conclude that teaching witing is important in
foreign language and before teaching writing, the teacher should
introduce type of writing and use various techique like cooperative learning
type jigsaw to build their motivation in writing, because big motivation is
needed in learning writing.
The Concept of
Procedure Text
A procedure text is a kind of text which is
used to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or
steps it belongs to factual genre. A procedural text is used to tell someone
how to do or make something. We can find this type of text in many form such as
instruction manual or recipes.
According to Summington (2009: 156) state that procedure is a text
that shows a process in order. It’s social function is to describe how
something is completely done through a sequence of series.
Anderson and Andeson (1998: 28) explain that
a procedure is a piece of text that tells the reader or listener how to do
something. It is to provide instructions for mking something or getting
somewhere. Procedure is commonly used to describe how to make something which
is close to our daily activity for example how to make a cup of
coffee.therefore the students have to write about their procedure text based on
their experience in daily activities.
Based on theory above, the writer assumes
that procedure text is a text that tell how to do something based on right
sequence. Therefore, the fuctio of procedure text is to tell how to do
something or make something which used a sequence of action or steps. It is
usually found in the reciepe from doctor, in the mobile phone box, in the
reciepe of food and etc.
Procedure Text
Purpose: To help us do a task
or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.
Text Organization
(The final purpose of doing the
(Ingredients, utensil, equipment
to do the instructions)
(A set of instructions to achieve
the final purpose)
Language Features
Use of imperatives (e.g.: cut, don’t mix)
Use of action verbs (e.g.:turn, put, mix)
Use of connectives ( e.g.: first, then, next,
Use of adverbal pharases ( e.g.: for five
minutes, 2 centimetres from the top)
2.6 The
Concept of Cooperative Learning Type Jigsaw
to Agus Suprijono (2009: 89) jigsaw learning is cooperative learning where the
teacher divided the class into smaller groups. The number of groups depending
on the concepts included in the topic. If one class there are 40 students, each
group consisted of 10 people. The fourth group was called kemompok origin,
after the original group of teachers formed textual material distributed to
each group. Next form a group of experts, provide an opportunity for discussion
after it was returned to the home group and explain the results of discussions
to their respective groups. advertiser Model Cooperative Learning Jigsaw
According Yuzar in Isjoni (2010: 78) in a jigsaw cooperative learning, students
learn in small groups of 4 to 6 people, heterogeneous and cooperate positive
interdependence and responsible independently. This learning begins with
learning the chapter or subject, so that each member of the group holding the
materials with different topics. Each student from each group who held the same
material subsequently gathered in a new group called the expert group. Each
group of experts responsible for a chapter or subject. Once the group of
experts finish studying the subject matter expertise, each of the students
return to their home groups to teach the material expertise to friends in one
group in the form of discussion. This jigsaw learning model itself is divided
into two types: type I or jigsaw jigsaw jigsaw often called type II. According
Trianto (2010: 75) Type II jigsaw learning model has been developed by Slavin.
There is a fundamental difference between learning jigsaw jigsaw I and II, when
type I initially students only learn certain concepts that became his specialty
while other concepts that he get through discussion segrubnya friends. In type
II each student the opportunity to learn the whole concept (scan read) before
he learned his specialty to be exspert.
The Method of
This research will be conducted at SMA Negeri
07 Bandar Lampung, at academic year of 2016/2017. The function of the research
is to know the influence of cooperative learning type jigsaw toward student
writing ability. In this research the writer uses eperimental method. In this
case the researcher takes two classs. The first class is as an experimental
class which is taught by using cooperative learning type jigsaw, whereas, in
the second class is as a control class which is taught by using direct
The Variable
of Research
There are two variables in this research, namely:
The independent variable is student cooperative
learning type jigsaw (X)
The Dependent variable is the student writing
ability (Y)
Operational Definition of Problem
The operational of definition variable in the
research as follow:
Ø Teaching
writing through cooperative learning type jigsaw means that in teaching
writing, the writer form group who consist from 4-5 member, and all of member
sit in one circle in sequence or it tells short story and make some action
which is related each other. Cooperative learning type jigsaw is useful for
students because cooperative learning type jigsaw is as guidance for writing.
Ø The students
writing ability is student ability in writing to make composition to express
idea in writing form. It is indicated by the scores achived by the test given.
Population, Sample and Sampling Teaching of Research
3.4.1 The Population of the Research
The population of the research is taken from
the students at SMA Negeri 07 Bandar Lampung 2016/2017. There are two classes.
The total population of 60 students.
3.4.2 The Sample of Research
In this research the writer takes two
classes. The first class is the
experiment class which consist of 31 students. The second seond class is
control class, which consist of 29 students. In experiment class the writer
teaches writing through cooperative leearning type jigsaw, whereas in control
classthe writer teacheswriting through Direct instruction. In this research, there are 60 students as
the sample of the research.
3.4.3 Total Sampling
In this research, the number of sample iss
similar with the number of the population, so there are 60 students as the
sample in this research. Therefore, the writer uses total sampling technique to
determine experiment class.
The Data
Collecting Technique
3.5.1 The
Main Technique
The writer uses test as the main technique to know students’ witing skill. The writer asks
students to make procedure text based on the topic given. The words that are
use in writing around 100-1500 words.
In scoring students writing ability the
writer used the scoring system proposed by Heaton (1989:146), which score in
writing test, there are:
Therefore, the writer used it to score the
students’ writing test.
The score system of students’ writing test.
30-21 Excellent to very good : knowledgeable, substantive
26-22 Good to average : some knowledgeable of subject-adequate range
21-17 Fair to poor : limited knowledge
of subject little substance
16-13 Very poor : does not show knowledge of subject-non substantive
20-18 Excellent to very good : fluent expression idea clearly stated
17-14 Good to average : somewhat choppy-loosely organized but main ideas stand
13-10 Fair to poor : non fluent idea confused or disconnected
9-7 Very poor : does not communicated-no organization
20-18 Excellent to very poor : sophiscated range effective word/idiom choice
and usage
17-14 Good to average : adequate range-occasional erors of word/idiom
form,choice, usage of meaning obscured
15-10 Fair to poor : limited range-frequent errors of word/idiom form, choice,
9-7 Very poor : essentially translation-little knowledge of English grammar
Language Use
26-22 Excellent to very good : effective complex constraction
21-18 Good to Average : effective but simple construction
17-11 Fair to poor : major problems in simple/complex construction
Excellen to very good : Demonstrare mastery of convention
4 Good o Average : Occasional errors of spellig
2 Fair to poor : Frequent errors of spelling,
Very poor : no mastery of convetions-dominated by errors of spelling
punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.
3.5.2 The Supporting Techique
The writer observes the object of the research
for getting the in formation of the data. The writer interviews to teacher
about students procedure wriing ability. The observation will be held att SMA Negeri
07 Bandar Lampung.
Documentation is student at SMAN 07 BANDAR
LAMPUNG the documentation has function to know the conditions of students and
teacher and it is used to complete the data.
3.6 The Validity of Test and Readability of the Test
The Validity
of Test
An instrument must b e valid that
can be used to measure an object
correctly. To know the validity of the test, the writer uses content
validity test that arranging the test based on the content of English
curriculum at senior high school.
Readability of the Test
H. William, (2004:3) states “Readability is what makes some texts to
read than other.” In administering a test, it is important to seat and
determine an understandable insruction. It is necessary since there have been
some cases in which students failed to
do the best due their inability to understan d the given instruction . huges (1989: 39-40) mention
some factor to write a good instruction. First, the instruction should be clear
and explicit. Second, it should avoid the supposition that student all know
what is intended. Third, the test writer should not rely on students’
power of telephaty to elicit the desird
The instruction for the writing test are:
Choose one of the following topics:
Ø How to make
friend chicken
Ø How to make
green banana
Ø How to make a
Work and disscusion with group to write
down more than 150 words procedure text. Based on topic
which has provided. Your essay will be evaluated based on the organization,
content, grammar, mechanics and vocabulary.
Readbility o writing test:
Readability of writing test contains:
Whether the instructions are understandable
or not.
Whether the kind of essay is clear or not.
Whether the organization (generic structure) of the essay is
understandable or not.
Whether writing indicators to be evaluated
are clear or not.
Whether the topics are interesting or not.
Readabiliy of test items:
Do you understand the instuction of the
Is the kind of the essay to be written in this test stated clearly?
Is the organization of the essay demanded in
this test understandable?
Are the writing indicators to be evaluated on
this this test clear?
Are the topics interesting?
3.7 Data Analysis and Hyphotesis Test
The Data
Normality Test
The hypothesis formula is:
Ho: The sample of the population that has normal distribution.
Ha : The sample of the population that has not normal distribution.
The formula is:

Oi : observed Frequency
Ei : expected Frequency
To look Oi (Observed Frequency)
and Ei (Expected Frequency) the writer did some steps:
Looking for the total number of the interval
class (K)
Looking for length number of the interval
class (K)
Observed frequency and expected frequency
The criteria of the test:
Rejected Ho if
(k-a) if it has normal distribution, so continued with the testing of

Test of Vaariance
The hypothesis formula is:
(Both sample have the equality of variance)

(Both sample have the difference of variance)

To know the data are homogeneous or not, the formula is:
F=

F = The homogenity of variance
S = The standard deviation
Accepted Ho if f ratio (1-
) (n-1) < F
(n1-n2-1), rejected Ha if Fratio




if the data come from the normal distribution it is accepted.
The Hypothesis
To know the influence of cooperative learning type jigsaw towards the
students writing ability, the writer used the t-test formula. Before using the
t-test, the writer determined the av erage rate (X) and variance (

The average rates (x) is calcullated by

X = The score
that are achieved by students
F = Frequency
Variance (
) is calculated by formula



X1 = the score that are achieved by students’
N = the total number of the students
Ttest =



Note :
n1 =
Total number of students of experimental class
n2 =
Total number of student of control class




S =
The variance
(Sudjana, 2005)
The criterion of the test is :
Accepted Ho if –ttable < tratio
is ttable which it is indicated in the table with degree of freedom =
n1 + n2 – 2 (Sudjana,
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