1.1 Background of the Problem
Language is the most
important aspect in the life of all human beings. We use language to express
inner thoughts and emotions to make sense of complex and abstract thought, to
learn to communicate with others, to fulfill our wants and needs, as well as to
establish rules and maintain our culture. Language can be defined as verbal,
physical, biologically innate, and a basic form of communication. Behaviorists
often define language as a learned behavior involving a stimulus and a
response. Often times they will refer to language as verbal behavior, which is
language that includes gestures and body movements as well as spoken word.
(Pieree and Eplin, 1999) when we define language we have to be careful not to
exclude symbols, gestures, or motions. This is because if we exclude these from
our definitions we will be denying the language of the deaf community. All
human languages share basic characteristic, some of which are organizational
rules and invite generatively. Infinite generatively is the ability to produce
an infinite number of sentences using a limited set of rules and words.
Language is the
expression of human communication through which knowledge, belief, and behavior
can be experienced, explained, and shared. This sharing is based on systematic,
conventionally used signs, sounds, gestures, or marks that convey understood
meanings within a group or community after that language is important because
it's one of the main ways we communicate with other people. Whether it's in
writing by phone, chatting, on the internet or in person, we well desire to be
heard and understood and be able to understand those around us and we use
language to teach, to make our feelings known and to be able to reef and enjoy
books that interest us. Therefore, English is important for the students to
communicate in social interaction directly. The students of Vocational School
are earned to ready in the world business, so they should be to able to speak
English in communication skills and they have to brave to use it orally in
preparing themselves for specific occupation.
Based on the statement
above speaking is the most important skill that should be mastered by students
in order to communicate in English fluently, but the problems are the students
must study hard to master it and the teacher should create a good atmosphere in
the class. However, it was contrary to the real situation in the class,
speaking activities didn't work in the class because many factors prevent students
to speak English with their friends, they were afraid of making mistakes, at by
his or her friends and of having lack confidence in their ability.
By considering the
problem above speaking activities in the class should be prepared to improve
students' speaking skill and make the students can express their mind, so in a
this case the teachers has important role. He or she is expected to have
appropriate teaching techniques to provide students with appropriate teaching
materials and to create a positive classroom. Therefore the students would be
able to speak English in the best way.
From the explanation
above, the English teachers should have the knowledge how to increase the
quality of the education in English and also the teachers should be able to
attract the students to communicate in English activities and make the students
feel fun in learning English. In order to reach those aims, the teachers have
been using many kinds of methods and techniques to develop the students English
integrated skills, such as; listening, reading, and writing. If one skill is
not mastered it means that the students don't fully understand about language
learners must master all of language skills.
Based on the preliminary
research, the writer found that students find difficulties in speaking English,
and the students feel confuse how to deliver their opinions or to express their
ideas about something directly. So, the writer was conduct research in SMP
Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir Barat, because the writer wants to know the ability of
the students in speaking English.
Based on the background
of problem above, the writer is interested to solve the problem above by
applying communicative activities in teaching speaking therefore, the writer
purposes a research entitle: "The Influence of Communicative Activities
towards Students Speaking Ability in at the Seventh Class of the Second
semester at SMP Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir Barat in 2014/2015.
1.2 The Identification of the Problem
Based on the background
above, the writer will identify the problems as follows:
1. The students’ find difficulties in speaking English.
2. The students’ vocabularies are limited.
3. The students’ feel confuse how to deliver their opinions or
to express their ideas about something directly.
4. Some students’ found difficulties in grammar and
5. Some students’ were still unable to speak English in real
6. The teacher has never applied communicative activities in
teaching speaking.
1.3 The Limitation of The Problem
Based on the
identification of the problem above, the writer focuses on The Influence of
Communicative Activities towards Students' Speaking Ability at the Seventh
Class of the Second semester at SMP Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir Barat in 2014/2015 as the process
of teaching speaking English.
1.4 The Formulation of Problem
The problems formulated
in the research are:
How is the influence of
using communicative activities toward students’ speaking ability?
Is the average score of
students’ speaking ability who learning through communicative activities is higher
than that of those who learn speaking through dialog memorize?
1.5 The Objective and the Use of the Research
1.5.1 The Objectives of Research
1. To know and describe the influence of using communicative
activities toward students speaking ability or not.
2. To know and describe whether the average score of students’
speaking ability who learn speaking through communicative activities is higher
than those who learn speaking through the dialogue memories.
1.5.2 The Use of the Research
To inform the English
teachers about the influence of communicative activities as a technique will
make students be effective and fun in speaking English.
To motivate the students’
in learning English.
1.6 The Scope of the Research
1.6.1 The Subjects of the Research
The subject of the
research is students in the seventh class of the second semester at SMP Negeri
2 Krui Pesisir Barat.
1.6.2 The Object of the Research
The object of the
research is the influence of communicative activities toward speaking ability.
1.6.3 The Time of the Research
The research will be
conducted in the seventh class of the second semester at SMP Negeri 2 Krui
Pesisir Barat.
1.6.4 The Place of the Research
The research will be
conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir Barat.
2.1 The Frame of Theory
The Concept of Language
English is an important
language, which is spoken in many countries as first, second or foreign
language. In Indonesia, the function of English is as the foreign language.
English has many relationships with various aspects of human life. Language is
considered as a tool of communication. It is difficult to do interaction or
communication or convey idea or thinking and feeling without language. Besides that,
people can get information, knowledge, if people can use language well.
Language is a system
implies that the teachers are aware of the fact that language is built on the
systematic word, phrase, and sentence. Further, Hornby says “Language is the system
of sound and word use by human to express their thought and feeling"
(1995: 662). It means that by using language we can communicate with other
people. Without language, it is impossible for people can interact with each

1. Language is systematic and generative.
2. Language is a set of arbitrary symbols.
3. Those symbols are premilary vocal, but may also be visual.
4. The symbols have conventionalized meanings to which they
5. Language is used for communication.
6. Language operates in a speech community or culture.
7. Language is essentially human, although possibly not limited
to humans.
8. Language is acquired by all people in much in the same way-language
and language learning both have universal characteristic.
(Brown, 1994: 5)
According to the
statement above, it can be said that language is used to deliver messages or
ideas from the speakers to the listeners the writer to the reader in interactions
among themselves with their environment, language and human cannot be
Language is an intensely
political issue since it bound up with identity and power as a consequence of
it as a lingua franca status. Languages sometimes find itself in conflict with
more local languages. (Harmer, 2001: 4)
Language learning has
some basic elements that might link it more directly to language education and
somewhat peripheral skill but as control to the language is not seen as limited
to linguistic perspective but encompasses all aspects of communication
(Richard, 2001: 117)
Language has function to
communicate general attitude toward life and other, and to express their idea,
aspiration, and knowledge about the culture of the other country. In addition,
language is used I every aspect in daily life, therefore people can get
information about job and everything by language.
According to Larsen –
Freeman (2003:1), the definitions of language from the literature are:
is what people use to talk about the things are Important to them, for example,
occurrences in their everyday lives.
is a set of sounds (or in the case of sign language, sign) and sentences
patterns that express meaning.
is a means of interaction between and among people.
is a vehicle for communicating meaning and messages.
is a medium through which one can learn other things.
is holistic and is therefore best understood as it is manifested in discourse
or hole texts.
Based on the theories
above, it means that language is made in order to express what people think.
However, some people get trouble because the language itself is influenced by
the dialect where the language comes from. Language plays an important role for
communication. We use language to interact to someone else to express our
ideas, opinion, mind, feeling etc. nevertheless, how about people who are
unable to speak. For dumb people, of course they also need to communicate to
other people. They use sign language to communicate to someone else to express
their feelings to the other people as the way to communicate. For example, by
using sign, gestures, and mimics. In this case, the ways they are use also
called language.
According to Cameron
(2002: 40) speaking is the active use of language to express meaning so that
other people can make sense of them. It means that if we are active in suing
language wherever to express our meaning it will make the people understand.
As we know that each
country has their own language, they also have different culture that has given
big influence to the language, and each member of various cultures bring some
different ways of language. Thus variation of language from the different
environment may contribute to the difficulties of intercultural cultures, bring
some different ways of language. It means the purpose of teaching English as a
foreign language is to create a situation that the students can use English for
communication when they learn English, visit the tourism place and see some foreigners.
Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language
English is an
international language. Many people in the world used it for communication. In
Indonesia, English is a foreign language; it is learned from elementary school
as a local content subject, while junior high school up to university. English
is a compulsory subject in teaching English as a foreign language, therefore
then teacher should prepare the instructional material and technique well,
because the teacher should know what should they do in order to make the
students interest in learning English.
Teaching English as a
foreign language is not simple. The roles of teacher in teaching learning
process are not only as director and facilitator but also the teacher should
motivate the student to use English inside and outside in classroom. Hornby
(1984:840) states that learning is acquiring knowledge, skills through learning
or direct practice.
Learning English is
gaining knowledge of English language and skill in English (listening,
speaking, reading, and writing) can be used in the environment. It means that
learning a foreign language is not difficult in outside the classroom, but
students if foreign languages will not use language in everyday communication.
Richard and Rodgers,
(1986:3) state that the goal of foreign language study is to learn a language
in order to read the literature or in order to take the benefit from the
oriental discipline and intellectual development.
According to Harmer
(2004:39), the language is generally taken to apply the students who are
studying, general English at school and institute in their own country or as
transitory visitor in a target language country. To build the ability of
speaking, the students have to do a lot of practices and always try to speak
English well in delivering or expressing their ideas directly, so they should
build enormous confident in themselves like Nunan stated that, "speaking
is use the language quickly and confidently with the unnatural pauses".
(Nunan 2003). Therefore, as the students we should have ability in speaking, we
have to brave in delivering our opinions or expressing our ideas confidently
and spontaneously.
Based on the explanation
above, the writer has assumption that teaching is process of transferring knowledge
to the students. In this case it is aimed for the students to understand the
lesson easily.
Richard Jack C (2001: 19)
states in describing methods the difference between a philosophy of language
teaching at the level of theory and principles, and a set of derived procedures
for teaching a language in central.
From the theories above,
it can be assumed the purpose of teaching English as a foreign language is to
create a situation they can use English for communication both spoken and
written, it means that teaching is a process of transferring the teacher
knowledge to the students to understand the lesson easily, to get the knowledge
and to transfer technology by reading the source, but the students who learn
English as a foreign language have little or limited exposure or opportunities
to use their English in real life situation. They only have opportunity to use
English and encourage the students to practice their English is in the
classroom interactions both in spoken and written form.
One important thing of
learning language is the people will know something after they learn language.
Learning a language is most important thing in our live, it's because the
people use the language to communicate with the others in the real life
situation with the aim to get many things in this world.
Wendy A Scott and Lisbeth
H, Zetterberg, Iggo, (1990: 3), said: some characteristic of the young learners
in learning a foreign language as follows:
1. Their own understanding come through hands, eyes, and ear. The
physical world is dominant at all time.
2. They have a very short attention and concentration span.
3. The students cove to play and learn best when they are
enjoying themselves.
4. They relay the spoken word as well as the physical world to
converge for the learners should include movement and picture to work with and
to make used of the school and you're surrounding demonstrate what you want to
5. Varieties in the classroom since the concentration and
attention spans are short; variety is a must variety of activity, variety of
pace, variety of organization and variety of voice.
Based on those theories
above, the writer assumed that English instruction at senior high school
necessitates a quality teacher, who knows successes fully encourage students to
learn English.
2.1.3 The
Concept of Speaking
Speaking is the using of
words in an ordinary voice, uttering words, knowing and being able to use
language, expressing oneself in words, making speech. While skill is the
ability to do something well. Therefore, the writer can infer that speaking is
ability to make words or a language express oneself in an ordinary voice. In
short, the speaking skill is the ability to perform the linguistics knowledge
in actual communication. The ability functions are to express our ideas,
feelings, thoughts, and need orally.
Studying English without
practice speaking is useless. (Astanniah, 2009:11) defines that as a part of
communication speaking is regarded most representing what the speaker want to
say. Through speaking, someone can express their minds, ideas or though freely
and spontaneously. Mastering the art of speaking is the single most important
aspect of learning a second foreign language, and success is measured in term
of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language.
Speaking is also one of
the language arts that is the frequently used by people all over the world. The
art of speaking is very complex. It requires the simultaneous use of the
numbers abilities which often develop at different rates. Generally, there are
at least
Speaking is productive
skill in which the spoken produces and uses the listener tries to get the idea
or message. In this case there is a process of deciding or message of the first
speaker. It means that communication involves the speaking ability in
expressing something; speaker and the listener should have an understanding of
the message when they are doing communication.
According to Thornbury
(2005:1) that " speaking is so much a art of daily life that a take it for
granted. "It means that speaking is a part that verb close in daily life
because it they can communicate each other.
The following definitions
started by some experts:
oral communications involve the negotiation of meaning between two or persons,
it is always related of the context in which it occurs. Speaking means
negotiating intended meaning and adjusting one's speech to produce the desired
on the listener (O'mmalley and Pierce, 1996:59)
a language skill speaking is sometimes undervalued or in some circles, taken
from granted. There is a popular impression that writing, particularly
literature is meant to be read and as such is prestigious, where as speaking as
often thought as "Colloquial" which help to account for its lower
priority in some teaching contexts (McDonough and Shaw, 1993:151)
Based on the definitions
above, the writer assumes that by speaking someone can communicate and share
each other, speaking is very important in teaching language, but sometime
students forget it, they just focus in reading and writing speaking can help
students to increase their skill not only in reading and writing but also is
Five components of
speaking skill concerned with comprehension, grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation, and fluency (Astanniah, 2009: 12)
For oral communication certainly
requires a subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate it. This is the
power of understanding of a language in written or spoken (Astanniah :15).
Moreover, it defines as the ability to understand completely and be aware of
situation, fact on written or spoken language. It's mean that the comprehension
is ability to understand said by speaker concerning about the topic that are
discussing during the conversations.
It is needed for students to arrange a
correct sentence in conversation. It is in line with explanation suggested by
Heaton (1978: 5) that student's ability to manipulate structure and to
distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriates ones. The utility of
grammar is to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language oral and
written form.
Vocabulary means to know the meaning of
the word and use it function correctly. One can't communicatively effectively
express their ideas both oral and written from if they do not have sufficient
vocabulary. To enrich our vocabulary we have to read many books, and then
finding the meaning of the new vocabulary and dictionary. So, vocabulary means
the appropriate diction which is used in communication. In oxford learners
Dictionary by Hornby (1987: 21) say that “vocabulary is the total number of
words in a language, the word known to a person and a list of word with their
meanings, especially at the back of a book use for teaching a foreign
language". In a short vocabulary are some words with rules to combining
them make up language as a tool of communication. As a result, a vocabulary has
played second griddle to grammar. Vocabulary is needed when speak or
communicate with dome body in order to get the comprehending, to listen, read,
and moreover write the messages, information or to express our ideas.
Pronunciation is the way for students'
to produce clearer language when they speak. It deals with the phonological
process that refers to the component of a grammar made up of the elements and
principles that determine how sound very and pattern in language. Hornby (1984:
67) say that pronunciation is a way in which all language is spoken, person's
speech some words of language. It refers ability to product comprehensible
utterances. Articulation of individual sound is not required to be native
speaker like but should be sufficiently clear for all word to be easily
Fluency is the quality of being fluent
(able to speak smoothly and ready). These dictionary (1981: 7) defines fluency
as a made of expressing though in a language, whether oral or written,
especially such use of a language in the expression of though as exhibits the
spirit and the faculty of an artist, choice or arrangement as the ability of
learners to write or speak easily, smoothly, and expressively in English.
Based on the preceding
elaborates interview may be appropriate to asses speaking performance. It can
be conducted with individual or parts at all levels of language proficiency and
require no preparation on the part of students; beside, interview can be used
to the following language function describing, giving information or giving an
opinion ( O'malley, 1996: 77).
According to Wright
(1976: 14) "visual materials could be use for teaching, especially for
speaking activities. He said that visual materials have five functions which
can be used for speaking activities, namely:
motivate the students to speak.
create a context within which his speech will have meaning.
provide the students with information to use in speech, including objects,
actions, event, and relationships.
provide the students with non-verbal cues for manipulation work.
provide non-verbal prompt to dialogue reproduction or to dialogue invention,
Wright also mentioned
four activities in speaking, namely:
1. Repetition: the total concentration of
the students must be on listening to the spoken model and then on the imitation
of it. If visual materials are used there should be a minimum of distracting
information in the picture.
2. Reproduction: the main role of visual
materials used to aid reproduction activities is act as a reminder, by
association, on what the students have learn previously, and as specific cue to
the language now required.
3. Manipulation: the students may make
changes in the sentences pattern, example using different part of the paradigm
or they may substitute various vocabulary item.
4. Composition: the visual character of
materials used for composition will reflect concern for relevance to the
students’ interest. The students will communicative activities their ideas by
using the target language.
There are various kinds
of technique that must be applied in teaching speaking. The technique can be
shown through some ways, such as the teacher has to attract the students to
practice their English in the classroom and the students must apply it in
outside with their friend and etc. Therefore, the students should have good
capability in speaking English, but the important thing that the teacher should
know is how to make the students can be active and interested in English,
especially in speaking.
According to Harmer,
" in classroom a major part of the teacher" job is to expose students
to language that they can use it letter" (Harmer 2001: 53), it means that
to get success in teaching speaking the teacher should plan, arrange and give
the students the task and suitable material. By giving it will encourage
students to study English more. As stated by Harmer, he said that “there are
three basic reasons why it is good to give the student speaking task which
provoke them to use any language in their command". (Harmer, 2001: 87).
The three basic reasons
which stated by harmer are:
1. Rehearsal: in this case the teacher allows them to rehearse
such as a real life event in the safety of the classroom.
2. Feedback: either the teacher or student can use see how well
their class is doing or what language problems they are having and also see how
easy they find a particular kinds of speaking and what they need to do to
3. Engagement: good speaking activities can and a should be
high by motivating if all the students are participating fully.
Based on the statement
above, the writer thinks that students’ have to be active in communication
activities they can improve their speaking skill and use their English freely.
The aims of communication
activities are:
To gain
confidence to use English in expressing thought ideas, opinion, and to project
themselves as interesting individual.
improve their fluency in spoken English.
learn how to start, continue, and take part in discussion, conversation, etc.
learn how to speak continuously and length.
learn more English though having to try to say thing in order to active their
purpose and through contact with their peers.
improve the ability to communicate effectively in English.
Therefore, the English's
teacher should be able to motivate the students in learning speaking, can
attract the students to speak English in the best way and the teachers should
be able to make the students feel confidents in expressing their ideas and
selecting appropriate words, sentences according to the proper social setting,
audience, situation and subject matter in teaching and learning process.
According to Harmer “a
part of form the actual word they use can
vary their intonation and stress which part of they are saying is the
most important” (Harmer 1991: 53). From the statement above, we know that
speaking is very important in communication and it is one of important skills
in English. As Brown (1994: 270) states that what makes speaking difficult are:
Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by
word. Learners can organize their output both cognitively and physically (in
breath groups) through such clustering.
The speaker has an opportunity to make
meaning clearer through the redundancy
of language. Learners can capitalize on this feature of spoken language.
Contraction elisions, reduced, vowels,
etc. all form special problem in teaching spoken English. Student who do not
learn colloquial constrictions can something develop a stilted, bookish quality
of speaking that in turn stigmatizes them.
One of the advantages of spoken
language is that the process of thinking as you speak allows you to manifest a
certain number of performance hesitations, pauses, backtracking, and
corrections. Learners can actually be taught how to pause and hesitate. For
example, in English our “thinking time’ is not silent; we insert certain
“fillers” such as uh, um, well, you know, I mean, like, etc. one of the most
salient differences between native and non active speakers of a language is in
their hesitation phenomena.
Make sure your students are reasonably
well acquainted with words, idioms, and phrases of colloquial language and
those they get practice in producing these forms.
Rate of
Another salient characteristic of
fluency is rate of delivery. One of your tasks in teaching spoken English is to
help learners achieve an acceptable speed along with other attributes of
Rhythm, and Intonation
This is the most important
characteristic of English pronunciation, as will be explained below. The
stress-timed rhythm of spoken English and its intonation patterns convey
important messages.
As note in previous section, learning
to produce waves of language in a vacuum-without interlocutors-would speaking
skill of its richest component: the creativity of conversational negotiation.
In speaking, language
learners need to recognize but speaking involves three areas of knowledge,
there are (1) Mechanics, includes pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. (2)
Functions, includes transaction and interaction: knowing when clarity of
message is essential. (3) Social and Cultural Rules and Norms, this is
understanding how to take into account who is speaking to whom, in
circumstances, about what, and for what reason.
Based on the statement
above, it means that if we want to master speaking ability well, we should be
able to master the knowledge of speaking first, such as mechanics, functions,
and social and cultural rules and rooms. Therefore, after knowing the
knowledge, it is sure we can have a good speaking skill.
2.1.4 The
Concept of Communicative Activities
Talking about
communicative approach, communicative is a word which has dominated discussions
of teaching methodology for many years, although in a monolingual English
language classroom, the real communication in English is impossible. In the
communicative methodology we try to be more communicate. That is to say, even
though it may be impossible to achieve the real communication, we should
attempt to get closer to the real communication in our classrooms.
Effective communication
encompasses a variety of individual skills, including body language, clear
speech, eye contract and active listening. Communication activities allow
participants to focus on these skills and understand their impact on the
effectiveness of communication. Effective communication activities work well
groups of all ages, including students in the classroom an workers in a
workplace setting.
One of the most
recognized of these lists is David Nunan (1999: 59) five features of
communicative language activities:
emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.
introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.
provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also
on the learning management process.
enhancement of the learner's own personal experiences as important contributing
element to classroom learning.
attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities outside
the classroom.
A communicative activity
gives the students opportunity to deliver their ideas in saying something in
the learning and teaching process, its one technique where the students have
many chance in delivering their opinions directly, spontaneously and bravely.
Communicative methodology includes a number of different and
perhaps interconnecting principles.
1. The primary aim of foreign language learning is
communicative with users of the foreign language.
2. The students study the foreign language as a system of
3. Students learn and practice the foreign language through
communicative activities.
ESOL Communicative
Technique| eHow.com 8018686
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A communicative activity
gives the students opportunity to deliver their ideas in saying something in
the learning and teaching process, its one technique where the students have
many chance in delivering their opinions directly, spontaneously, and bravely.
Like Longman teaching
(2001: 11) states, communicative activity is an activity which there is:
1. A desire to communicate, in a communicative activity there
must be reason to communicate. When someone asks a question, the person must
wish to get information or some other form of result. There must be either an
“information gap" or an "opinion gap" or some other reason to
2. A communicative purpose, when we ask students to describe
their bedroom furniture to their partners, we are creating an artificial
'communicative purpose' and making the activity more artificial by asking them
to do it in English. We also create artificial 'information gaps' by giving
different information to pairs of students so that can have a reason to
exchange information.
3. A focus on language content not language forms, in real
life, we don't ask about our family in order to practice 'have got' forms. We
ask the question because we are interested in the information. That is to say
we are interested in the language content and not in the language forms.
4. A variety of language is used, in journal communication; we
don't repeatedly use the same language forms. In fact we usually try to avoid
repetition. In many classroom activities we often try to crated situation in
which students will repeatedly use a limited number of language pattern. This
is also artificial.
5. No teacher intervention, when you are buying a ticket for
the Lion King at theatre, your teacher is not usually beside you to 'help' or
'correct' your English. Teacher intervention in classroom communicative
activities adds to the artificiality.
6. No control or simplification of the material in the
classroom, we often use graded or simplified materials as prompts for
communicative activities. These will not be available in the real life.
Based on the definitions
above, conclude that the communicative activities help the students to express
their ideas and to learn how to deliver their opinions with each other
2.1.5 Procedure of Teaching Learning Speaking through
Communicative Activities
The procedure of teaching
speaking through communicative activities, as follows:
1. The teacher form groups of students preferably 4 or 5 in
each group.
2. The teacher provides controversial topic about something
like "love is more important than money" or " money is more
important than love".
3. Then each group works on their topic for a given time
period, and after finish doing the discussion, the leader of each group present
their opinion to the class.
4. At the end, the classes decide on the winning who defended
the idea in the best way.
The Strength and Weakness in Teaching
Communicative Activities
1. The strength of using communicative activities as follows:
a) The students will play and learn attractively.
b) The students will be more active in learning English.
c) The student can get more about new vocabulary.
d) The students can improve their ability to communicate
e) The students can learn how to speak continuously.
f) The students can gain sufficient confident to use English in
expressing their ideas.
g) The students can improve their fluency in spoken English.
h) The students can learn how to start off, continue, and take
a part in discussion, conversation.
2. The weakness of using communicative activities:
a) The activities in the class will be crowded.
b) The students make noisy in the class. hayriyek
2.2 The
Frame of Theory
communicative activities an effective to improve the students speaking skills.
It has been said that teaching speaking English through communicative
activities are more pleasant and interest for the students in learning English.
By applying this technique, it is expected that the students will be active and
interesting in learning English especially in learning speaking, because they
want to know what the topic is talking about.
Furthermore, by using
communicative activities can improve students speaking achievement because they
learn how to express their ideas directly and the teachers give challenge to
students in expressing their ideas freely and give training to students in
arising their speaking ability.

Communicative activities
can help the students to master speaking ability.
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2.3 The
Based on the theories and
assumption above, the writer proposed the hypothesis as follows:
is a significant influence of communicative activities toward students’
speaking ability.
average score of the students speaking ability who learn speaking through the
communicative activities is higher than those who learn speaking through
dialogue memorization.
3.1 The Method of the Research
In this research the
writer used experimental method. It means that to
collect the data writer used experimental class which that was taught by giving
communicative activities in teaching speaking, and the control class which was
taught by using another technique.
3.2 The Variable of the Research
The research's variables:
independent variable of the research is communicative activities (X)
dependent variable of research is the students speaking ability (Y)
3.2.1 The Operational Definition of the
The operational
definitional of variable is used to describe the characteristic of the variable
that have been used are as follows:
speaking through communicative activities it means that teaching speaking
through communicative activities is teaching speaking English where the
students can express the selves unbelieving their ideas directly.
Speaking ability is the students’ ability in building and
sharing meaning orally.

3.3 The Population, Sample, and
3.3.1 The Population of the Research
in this research the
population is the students at the second semester of the seventh class of SMP
Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir Barat in 2014/2015. It is consists of 312 students.
Table 1
The Population Based on the Number and
3.3.2 The Sample
The sample of this
research was selected from the total population of the second semester in
seventh class of SMP Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir Barat. The writer took two classes
from the
population the class were VII C and VII E. It consisted 78 students.
3.3.3 The Sampling Technique
To conduct the research,
the writer was use
Cluster Random Sampling Technique, because the sample is in group or classes
and class ability in homogeneous. Before start practicing about the teaching
technique based on the research title, the writer chose which classes should be
taken to get the sample by using Lottery. The writer wrote the name of the each
class at the second semester of the seventh class of SMP Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir
Barat. Then took two classes randomly from the population the class were VII. C
and VII. E
3.4 The Data Collecting Technique
The populations in this
research were all of the students at the seventh class of the second semester
consist of 312 students at SMP Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir Barat.
3.4.1 The Main Technique
In order to know the
students speaking ability the writer used test. The test was test. The teacher
gives the questions to students and they have to the answer about the question
and the students should deliver their ideas based on the question in front of
the class directly. There are five points in giving score for speaking; they
are grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, pronunciation. The lowest score
is 60 and the highest score is 100. The writer applied the scoring system in
speaking test as follows:
Table II
Indicator of
Speaking Test
Errors in grammar are frequent, but the speaker can be
understood by anative speaker used to deal with foreigners attempting to his
Can usually handle elementary construction quite
accurately but does not have through of confident control of the grammar
Control of grammar is good. Able to speak the language
with sufficient structural accuracy to participate effectively in most formal
and informal conversation on practical, social, and professional topics.
Able to use the language accurately on all level
normally pertinent to professional needs. Error in grammar is quite rare.
Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.
16 – 17
18 – 19
20 – 21
22 – 23
24 – 25
Speaking vocabulary inadequate to express anything but
the most elemantary needs.
Has speaking with sufficient vocabulary to express him
self simply with some circumstance.
Able to speak the language with sufficient vocabulary
to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations on
practical, social, and professional topics. Vocabulary is broad enough that
be rarely has to grope for a word.
Can understand and participate in any conversation
within the range of his experiancewith a degree of precision of vocabulary.
Speaking on all levels is full accepted by educated
native speaking in all its features including breadth of vocabulary of and
idioms, colloquialism, and pertinet cultural reference.
11 – 12
13 – 14
15 – 16
17 – 18
19- 20
Within the scope of his very limited language
experiance, can understand simple questions and statements if delivered with
slowed speech, repetition, or paraphrase.
Can get the gist most conversation of non-technical
subject (i.e topics that require no specialized knowledge).
Comprehension is quite complete atnormal rate of
Understand any conversation with the range of his
Equivalent to that of an eduacted native speaker.
16 – 17
18 – 19
20 – 21
22 – 23
24 – 25
No specific fluency description. Refer to other four
language areas for implied level of fluency.
Can handle with confident but not with facility most
social situations, including introductions and casual conversation about
current events, as well as work, family and autobiographical information.
Can discuss particular interest of competence with
reasonable case rarely has to grope for words.
Able to use the langauge fluently on all levels
normally pertinent to professioanl needs. Can participate in any conversation
within the range of his experiance with a high degree of fluency.
Has complete fleuncy in the language such that is full accepted
by educated native speaker.
6 – 7
8 – 9
10 – 11
12 – 13
14 – 15
Error in pronunciation are frequent but can be
understood by a native speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to
speak his language.
Accents are intelligible though often quite faulty.
Error never interferes with understanding and rarely
disturb the native speaker. Accent may be obviously foreign.
Errors in pronunciation are quite rare.
Equivalent to and fully accepted by educated speakers.
6 – 7
8 – 9
10 – 11
12 – 13
14 – 15
(The criteria
above are quoted from Brown, 2003: 172)
3.4.2 The Supporting Technique
In supporting the main data, the writer
used documentation. It will be used to collect the data of students, teachers
and condition of SMP Negeri 2 Krui Pesisir Barat.
2. Interview
In this research the writer has
interviewed the teacher to complete the research data.
3.5 The Instrument of the Research
3.5.1 The Validity of the Test
To know the validity of
test the writer used logical validity test by using content. It means that the
test will be designed based on the curriculum.
3.6 The Data Normality
To know the data analysis
of the average score of each class the writer in this research used the
quantitative analysis in order to know the influence of communicative
activities toward students' speaking ability. The formula used in this research
is t-test.
To know whether the data
from the population has normal distribution, the writer used the formulation as
the boundary of the class (X) by subtracting the lowest score in the class by
Z for the boundary of class with the formula Z = 

expected of international class by seeing Z value list.
expected frequency (Ei) by multiplying wide of every interval with
the total the data that is Ei= Li.n searching the average
X and standard deviation S.
(Sudjana, 1996: 249)
3.6.1 The Homogeneity of Test
After population data had
been proven that have normal distribution, the writer also conducts the
examination of homogeneity variants from both kinds of test (Experiments Class
and Control Class) with the following formula:
HO: σ12
= σ12 (Homogeny Variants)
HO: σ12
≠ σ12 (Non-Homogeny Variants)
The test is using the
formula Fcat =

With the criterion:
Reject the Ho if
Fratio> F 1/2 (V1. V2)
with V1 = n1- 1 and V2 = n2 - 1 and taken the
real level 0.05 and 0.01.
3.6.2 The Hypothesis Test
To test
hypothesis in this research, the writer used a statistical formula of t-test
Formula as follows:
ttest = 

S2 = 

From tables above
n1 = the total
number of the students in experimental class.
n2 = the total
number of students in control class.
X1 = the
average scores achieved by the students in experimental class.
X2 = the
average scores achieved by the students in control class.
S12 =
the variance of experimental class.
S22 =
the variance of control class.
With criterion:
Testing Criterion 1
The writer tried to use
the result of ttest or tratio
HO Accepted if
ttable ratio
ttable = (1- 1/2)
dk = (n1 + n2)(dk)
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